The Future’s So Slight.. – IOTW Report

The Future’s So Slight..

Kurt Schlichter Town Hall

If you peasants can be convinced to settle for less, that would sure be convenient for our garbage ruling caste since it has proven itself utterly incapable of even marginal performance in achieving merely the bare minimum standards of its job. Do you have security? How about prosperity? Does the future look bright? More

8 Comments on The Future’s So Slight..

  1. Since the conservative party (see what I did there?) has always been the,”I don’t want government’s free shit I just want to be left alone” party, our expectations have always been manageable; secure the border, keep us out of stupid wars, and demonstrate proper fiduciary responsibility with our tax money, oh, and respect The Constitution. Seems simple enough.

    And I really don’t care if you believe in God, like sucking dick or dressing up in women’s clothes during your private time, your soul is none of my business. Just do those simple things and we are good.

  2. Oh great, another one counting on elections. Good grief.

    Keep plucking that chicken Kurt.

    And Rich, to get any of those fairly basic & simple things would require representation. We don’t have that, not anything close.

    The borders are wide open and 100s of 1,000s are arriving every month.

    We already have 1 new proxy war going and another one coming to a boil.

    And proper fiduciary responsibility? How does over 40% of all the money the United States has ever put into circulation has been done in the last 2 years sound to you?

  3. The problem for them is that, at least in America, we still have some power to change things without conflict.

    In the land of tarded liars, the man with spellcheck is King.

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