The Galaxy Has At Last Been Saved – From Having To Endure Another “Star Wars” Spin-Off – IOTW Report

The Galaxy Has At Last Been Saved – From Having To Endure Another “Star Wars” Spin-Off

George Lucas must have known after the prequels that the “Star Wars” franchise had depleted its fuel. That was six years, $4 billion and four films ago but it seems Disney, who bought Lucasfilms in 2012, has finally figured it out for itself. |

With the box office black hole created by the latest spin-off, “Solo,” Disney has announced that all further subsidiary films from the Star Wars universe are on hold. Here

Both a Boba Fett and Obi-won Kenobi movies have been in the works along with another seven  Star Wars franchise films being planned. How many will ever be made is now in question. Here

The current Star Wars movie, “Solo” is so packed with social justice that disgruntled fans have taken to calling it “Soylo.”  The explanation for the Star Wars crash to earth, starts with the head of Lucasfilms, Kathleen Kennedy. Here

16 Comments on The Galaxy Has At Last Been Saved – From Having To Endure Another “Star Wars” Spin-Off

  1. They should have stopped with “The Empire Strikes Back.” Return of the Jedi was nothing more than an opportunity to market stuffed Ewoks. But then again, I’m a girl and Princess Leia’s bikini did nothing for me.

  2. The third film in the first trilogy struck me as Star Wars met the Muppets. The first film was the best. The second slid a bit. THe third, YAWN. All the rest were just plain AWFUL.

  3. The first film of most any popular series is the interesting one with imagination and surprise, and a plot with twists and turns.
    After that, they become goofy film sessions with people, actors, in silly costumes and a lot of CGI monsters killing CGI monsters

  4. The writing is terrible. As the special effects got better the character development and storyline got worse and worse. It’s so formulaic it’s easy to predict what comes next or even what line they are going to use. Oh, this is where an alien loses and arm in a laser fight and insert a witty (!) or worried phrase here, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

    And, 3 words: Jar Jar Binks.

  5. @Dianny June 23, 2018 at 12:42 pm

    If you’re talking plot, he should have just stopped. Empire’s “story” was just the trailer (alright, I’ll agreer with the… Warries? — whatever the “We’re not Trekkies!” self identify as — if it means I don’t have to watch it again, to be sure) for whatever he might grind out next. And a long form ad for all the merch, of course.

    Lucas always took “Can there be less plot, less logic, in a multi-zillion dollar film?” as a challenge. And when he finally got too old to think he could push any harder, for any smaller approach to absolute zero… along came non-national corporate lawcountants, with their secret weapon: Hollywood accounting. Unbeknownst to Mr. Lucas, there are NEGATIVE numbers! How can they turn that into profit? Volume!

    (Well, maybe Lucas knew. But that would make Georgie a grifter.)

  6. George squeezed every dollar he could out of SW and sold the dried out, used up franchise to what’s become a greedy lamprey of a corporation.
    Good job, George!

  7. What frustrates me most about the original series is that it tries to be two things.
    It is first and foremost the incredibly dark tale of Anakin Skywalker, his fall into evil and his redemption by his son.
    But it is secondly a fun adventure film. And while the first couple managed to handle both reasonably well, introduction of characters to entertain children destroys the power of the first premise. Thus rendering all but the first couple painful to watch.


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