The gap in the Arizona border wall is now closed… so why didn’t AZ and TX do this years ago? – IOTW Report

The gap in the Arizona border wall is now closed… so why didn’t AZ and TX do this years ago?

What was the holdup on this?

You mean to tell us that the Republicans could have simply closed these borders themselves in Texas and Arizona?


I guess the GOPe really just wanted that easy, cheap labor. Same old story.

Better late than never? Although at this point, the foxes have already made their way into the henhouse…

17 Comments on The gap in the Arizona border wall is now closed… so why didn’t AZ and TX do this years ago?

  1. “What was the holdup on this?”
    They had to wait for the global economic collapse and the supply chain to drastically shrink so they could get access to all those unused shipping containers.

  2. In 2 words, Abbott & Ducey.

    The day Biden was declared the winner was the day these 2 assholes should have mobilized their National Guards and completed the wall. Instead they are party to the greatest invasion this country has ever seen.

    And it’s still going on.

  3. They did it because U.S. citizens are bailing out and headed to Mexico (and pissing off the Mexicans for coming into Mexico) All that our elite leaders can see is the revenue (tax) being lost will cause them to suffer financially. Therefore, they must secure the borders to keep their slaves (us) from escaping.

  4. I think within 90 days it was obvious the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT was NOT going to stop the flow, so , for their constituents’ sake, on day 91, ABBOTT and DUCEY should have taken action to close the gaps.


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