The Gender Dysphoria Scam – IOTW Report

The Gender Dysphoria Scam

The Federalist

When responding to all the changes made to the DSM [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders] in 2013, it is fair to ask: If the medical working groups and other professional organizations’ goal in changing the diagnosis was to destigmatize the condition, then why not completely remove the diagnosis from the DSM?

You can find one answer to this question in how the American medical system is structured. Our medical system does not allow for insurance reimbursement without a diagnostic code. When it comes to gender dysphoria, it would seem the diagnosis is often not being given for the purpose of remedying the root causes of mental distress. Instead, the diagnosis is increasingly being used as a vehicle for payment to change one’s physiological appearance. More

13 Comments on The Gender Dysphoria Scam

  1. Every surgeon who did ‘gender-affirming’ mutilation should lose his/her license, and be subject to criminal and civil penalties.
    Every psychiatrist who prescribed drugs, instead of helping the troubled person understand that he cannot change genders/sexes, should lose his/her license, and be subject to criminal and civil penalties.
    That is all.

  2. So, they seemed to have replaced ‘Do No Harm’ with ‘Get Rich’ in every medical manual out there.

    The colleges and universities have also flip flopped – no longer teaching factual information and instead making everyone hate each other because ‘diversity’.

    Oh well… Welcome to Bizarro World.

  3. I can’t seem to figure out how mutilating genitals where they leak and stink to high heaven and no one wants to be around to smell the rot would make anyone feel better about themselves. Not to mention the pile of underwear festering in the corner until laundry day. Eeeesh.

  4. 90+% of the western medical cartel MUST stand trial for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY for just the past 3 years alone…let alone what they have done to these confused children.

  5. LCD,
    I disagree. Every doctor, physician, psychiatrist, surgeon, etc, needs to be hung by a bodily appendage until they’re dead from either asphyxiation or exsanguination.

  6. All of these ‘sex change’ procedures are elective. The psychological trauma claims are pure bullshit, if they want to butcher themselves they can pay out of their own pocket.

  7. I occasionally run into some of these critters at a grocery store or Home Improvement store. They’re easy to spot. They’re always fat, they almost always have pink hair. Bad hygiene is their trademark. Their only objective in life seems to be manufactured anger and a demand for sympathy. If someone want to surgically render them unable to reproduce I’m all for it. There are gene pools we need to scrub from our population and thankfully hey are making it easy. Give them what they want.


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