The Genie – IOTW Report

The Genie

Genie: what is your first wish?
Carol: I want to be rich.
Genie: Granted. And what is your second wish?
Rich: I want lots of money, jerk.

8 Comments on The Genie

  1. Genie: OK – here’s loads of money that you can spend on gender studies classes and an operation to become Carol again.

    Rich – Nah ….. I always hated Carol anyway …… the confused bitch was always complaining she wanted a dick.

  2. So a guy is walking down the beach with his wife and mother-in-law.

    Mother-in-law sees a genie bottle, son picks it up and rubs it, out comes genie.

    Genie: I will grant you three wishes but whatever you get, she gets twice as much because she saw the bottle first.

    Guy asks for tons of money, gets it, mom in law gets a train load. He asks for a big house, gets it, she gets two Trump towers. He is pissed, and genie says “last wish – remember she will get twice as much…”

    Guy asks the genie to beat him half to death…..

  3. Remember the SNL skit with Jon Lovitz, where he was walking around with a 3 foot long, hard dick under his robe and his wife looked ready for a nervous breakdown?

    still funny shit

  4. “I just want a suitcase full of junk jewelry and the address of that ni …”

    “No way I can take 67 more of those!”

    “Well, then we can nest!”

    “I want Ivan’s cow to die!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Anonymous… A guy sitting on a bar stool buying everyone drinks with a notably small head is asked why he has such a small head. Then he tells the story of how his was on a deserted beach finds a bottle, rubs it and out pops a beautiful Genie. He gets three wishes, chooses 1. money 2. to get off island 3. He says I’ve been on this island for a long time, how about a little head. Then poof he has a head the size of an orange. (It’s one of my favorite jokes, I think I got it right, it’s been a while)

  6. … another one goes like … 3 guys on a desert island find a bottle, genie pops out … sez ‘since there’s 3 of you I’ll grant you each a wish, … 1st guy sez he wants to go home … poof, he’s gone …. 2nd guys sez he wants to go home too … poof he’s gone ….. 3rd guy sez “gee, I miss my buddies” … poof, they’re back

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