The Globalists In Plain Sight – Nicole Sirotek, American Flight Nurse – IOTW Report

The Globalists In Plain Sight – Nicole Sirotek, American Flight Nurse

CDM’s Globalists In Plain Sight Host interviews Nicole Sirotek, an American flight nurse has worked in “hot zones” across the world. She traveled to New York City in the early days of Covid-19 to work at two NYC hospitals. She was specifically trained and experienced on how to administer to patients on ventilators and in traumatic situations

What she witnessed in New York was horrifying to her. NYC hospital nurses and even doctors did not know how to administer ventilators.

Furthermore, when Governor Andrew Cuomo and NYC hospitals called for 30,000 ventilators to be sent to NY hospitals in 2020, when Manhattan boroughs were a hot spot and the numbers of hospitalized were rising, the hospital administrators did not even order 30,000 needed elements to feed those intubated patients. Staff trainings were not just inadequate, but dangerously low.

Sirotek met doctors as concerned as she was professionally during the January 2022 Defeat the Mandates March in Washington, DC, who encouraged her to speak at Senator Johnson’s roundtable following the march. Sirotek attested to how she had witnessed “patients dying from medical negligence and malfeasance.”

Sirotek described what she witnessed as “gross negligence” by the medical and health industry.

After that testimony, Sirotek and her family, including her minor children, were viciously attacked through social media, threatened with mail via the US Postal Service specifically targeting her minor children. Strangers showed up at her home, complaints were filed against her with the nursing board, and the police did nothing.

She established the American Frontline Nurses and is not going away.

Sirotek and others like her have been systematically attacked by social media vigilantes who literally congregate in – for lack of a better word – “chatrooms,” where they report on those who do not agree with their narratives – the likes of Fauci, WHO, CDC, FDA, et al’s narratives.

“We have enough information and a plethora of international investigative journalistic collaborative skills and talent that we are going to expose those who acted and continue to act like flash mobs violating First Amendment rights,” says Christine Dolan, CMD’s Senior Editor and Chief Investigative Correspondent. “Consider this day the comeback of real investigative journalism with seasoned investigative journalists. What “Nurse Sirotek” and these courageous doctors and nurses and whistleblowers have been through is well beyond gaslighting, censorship, attacking their professions by filing bogus nursing and medical board complaints. This is medical tyranny. It is predatory, but targeting their minor children is immoral and unacceptable. It is in the public’s interest to be fully reported. This behavior is no different than what perverts, traffickers and pimps do. And, for all of those people, NGOs, and institutions financing these social media influencing flash mobs from government institutions to those who have a financial and invested interest profession trying to destroy people’s reputations, livelihoods, and targeting themchildren – Believe – you will be exposed. Truth and Reconciliation and Accountability is coming.”

8 Comments on The Globalists In Plain Sight – Nicole Sirotek, American Flight Nurse

  1. Going to get worse.Much worse.
    Wait till the 30,000,000+ invaders
    flood the health care system….. {on your tax$}.
    You ain’t seen nothing yet !

  2. I wonder if they even still use the old Bird Mk 7 like we used back in the 60’s? Most of our applications went to either an endotracheal tube (which was rare where we were, usually only found in Anesthesia) and in most cases direct to a cut in Tracheotomy.

  3. “You ain’t seen nothing yet !” -RADIOATIONMAN

    Wait until they attempt to extinguish the U.S. Dollar with a digitial pseudo-currency and a large chunk of the U.S. population rejects it. At that point, we’re talking “shit hits the fan.”

  4. …everyone has a vaxxx injury story, a vaxxx crippling story, a vaxxx miscarriage story, a vaxxx cancer story, a vaxxx maiming story, a vaxxx MURDER story.

    It’s still operating under a EULA.


    And still we do nothing…

    We who lived through the time she’s talking about, who saw the injuries, the deaths, mourned relatives and buried friends, saw parents and grandparents, children and grandchildren sicken, die, and not even live to be born must not forget.

    We who guarded the vaxxxed from seizure injuries, took them for cancer treatments, attempted to breathe life into them when the vaxxx denied them the very circulation of their own lifeblood must not forget.

    We who saw our entire nation forced to medical tyranny, our livelihoods destroyed, our food and our freedom denied, our ability to even hug a deathbound vaxxxed friend, spouse, parent, brother as they had their lungs exploded by uncaring and incompetent new hires in Federalized corporate medical complexes where our hospitals used to be must not forget.

    We who have seen this Nation tyrannized, it’s citizens livlihoods disrupted, its children frightened, poisoned by first a virus then a “cure” that were both created using money that was first stolen from us, then used to enrich those who would rule us even as it cemented their illegitimate control over us, must not forget.

    We must rather use that suffering to fuel the flames of liberty in our yet-unpoisoned hearts to keep us hot as we wait for the day, watch for the day, work for the day when that flame fires us to do what must be done to serve justice in the most elemental of ways, to give the eye for an eye that the Old Testament prescribes, to anneal our hearts hard enough to show those who wronged us so high handedly and so long the exact same mercy they showed us, in full measure and in just recompense for every life they have so wantonly destroyed.

    A great author once wrote, “If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

    A quote well suited for our times indeed.

    And here’s another quote from a different author on another continent.

    “But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.”

    The books will be balanced, one way or another, one day or another. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, after all; the fact that the pendulum swings both ways serves a law far older and more immutable than any transient law of man, after all.

    Keep that fire, that knowledge, those memories, that same thirst for justice that our forefathers had alive within you, my brothers and sisters, until that great and terrible day when the pot boils over all at once and the very stones cry out “ENOUGH!”

    That day is coming, soon and very soon. Probably much sooner than we would like, but not nearly as soon as we need.

    Be ready.


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