The Good Censor – IOTW Report

The Good Censor



In a series of articles on Breitbart Tech, an 85-page internal report generated by Google on the role the tech giants should play in policing the internet makes for some harrowing reading. It seems the search engine is debating with itself whether it should  continue to be a “platform” for the marketplace of ideas, allowing the internet to police itself or should Google take a guiding hand, becoming “The Good Censor,” to restore “safety and civility” to the information superhighway.

Breitbart authors suggest Google favors the later over the former. More 

The original report Here

10 Comments on The Good Censor

  1. Assuming you’re suggesting hopelessness, TonyR, gotta disagree:
    wait until after the Midterms; I suspect the regulatory hammer to come down on Big Tech.

  2. When Google first came to be…

    I said it was a Communist plot to take over the world. I still say that as nothing they’ve done proves me wrong…in my mind.

    I don’t use anything Google, except when I have no choice. As in…it’s their operating system is on my Android phone.

  3. To be expected. 3 of the top 5 Google execs weren’t born in the USA. The Constitution is just a piece of old paper to them.

    Key Executives for Google LLC
    Name Board Relationships Title Age
    Sundar Pichai 10 Relationships Chief Executive Officer 45
    Sergey Brin 10 Relationships Co-Founder, Director & President of Alphabet 44
    Lawrence Edward Page 21 Relationships Co-Founder, Director & CEO of Alphabet 45
    Eric E. Schmidt 198 Relationships Executive Chairman 62
    Ruth Myrna Porat 47 Relationships CFO & Senior VP 60

  4. Well….. I for one am glad that someone is taking up Big Brother’s slack!!!!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. Good General Svejk –

    I do know MSFT had a program like Google Earth, before Google Earth….don’t know if it still exists.

    I don’t know about ‘Streets’. I’ve never seen it, but I doubt there is.

    Sorry, I couldn’t be of more help.



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