The Good News: The Mission to the Moon Was Unmanned The Bad News: It’s Not Going to Land Softly – IOTW Report

The Good News: The Mission to the Moon Was Unmanned The Bad News: It’s Not Going to Land Softly


Astrobotic’s Peregrine Lunar Lander blasted off Monday from Florida’s Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, then successfully separated from its rocket.

Just hours later, though, Astrobotic reported an inability to orient Peregrine’s solar panel towards the Sun and keep its battery topped up. A propulsion system glitch was found to be causing a critical loss of fuel and damaging the spacecraft’s exterior.

The company said Monday the mission had “no chance of soft landing” — dashing hopes for the first ever successful landing by a non-government mission, and America’s first soft touchdown on the Moon since Apollo 17 in 1972. More

17 Comments on The Good News: The Mission to the Moon Was Unmanned The Bad News: It’s Not Going to Land Softly

  1. Sounds just like the prospects for our economy…except that our economy IS manned. Apollo was a distraction from Vietnam, the murder of Kennedy by the CIA, and the crimes of LBJ. Don’t fall for the lies again.

  2. They’re being ‘clever’, which fails consistently.

    Back in the day America proved their mettle. They did what was required to solve the problems.

    Apparently now, things have to be flashy so they can ‘prove’ they tried the best solution available to the masses.

    Unfortunately, flashy is only for looks.

  3. The dumb asses that did away with the chemicals that allowed the Apollo rockets to perform in the first place no longer have the materials that designers used that worked. Shit happened on the space shuttle and killed everyone on board. There is no way in the world that these green energy morons will make it back to the moon… Call me an asshole, but stupidity rules the USA.

  4. NASA is nothing more than another version of Florida International University (of DEI pedestrian bridge fame) at this point. A big fat diverse cluster of inclusion. Half assed aping of legitimate successful endeavor for the purpose of making those with no real talent feel good about themselves. Then again what else is government focused on these days anyway?

  5. NASA has paid Astrobotic more than $100 million to ship scientific hardware to the Moon.

    Well the scientific hardware made to the moon. So it was $100 Million well spent, says Biden.

    Same results when Biden sends $Billions to Ukraine.

  6. Update: They won’t make it to the moon in time to land on it. The vehicle is leaking fuel so while they can cross the moons path, they’ll be too late to rendezvous with it. Their space ship is going to travel through space with no prospect of ever landing.

  7. For some reason, unfathomable to me, the US, and probably other countries, are not eager to send anyone back to the moon’s surface.

    It is a situation ripe for tin-hat conspiracy theories, which are all over YouTube. One or another of them may be correct, but I’ll not fall for any of them until and unless we get some official word for the reason. The Artemis moon landing mission, lauded by the MSM for its inclusion of women and minorities on the next attempt, has been pushed further into the future.

    There has to be something going on that we are not privy to.

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