The Good, The Great, The Freaking Awesome – IOTW Report

The Good, The Great, The Freaking Awesome

I like listening to movie scores. I especially love the scores to Westerns. So does the Danish Symphony Orchestra. Watch 

Full concert Here





21 Comments on The Good, The Great, The Freaking Awesome

  1. Those Ennio Morricone pieces are the only movie scores I DO enjoy.

    To my ears most movie scores sound like movie scores… but Ennio Morricone could make a piece of music that soars above the general garbage.

    But this brings to mind the score by Neil Young of the film Dead Man… for the most part I can’t stand Young, but that work was excellent.

  2. Dr. Tar, were you listening into my conversation with my sister today? We were doing some sewing (my roommate is teaching us to quilt) and I asked if they had seen the video of “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” done by an orchestra. Then I played this for them.

    No kidding! Spooky!

  3. I have a Pandora station called Gustav Holst — but because some of Holst’s work was used in scores, Pandora would try to shove a bunch of trash out of my speakers. It got to the point that my wife was quite mystified by my ability to rout out movie scores with downward thumbs.

    “How can you tell?”

    “It sounds like a cheap “Titanic”, or Bernstein score, doesn’t it?”

    “They DO suck, but I can’t tell how you can tell they are scores and not simply pieces of music…”

    Well, you can discern the cheap emotive garbage they pour onto the work.

  4. Dr. Tar, my roommate in school was the niece of Ulf Schirmer, the conductor at the time of the Danish National Symphony. He invited us to visit him and his wife many times in Copenhagen during concert season for performances. It was one of the joys of my young life, and gave me appreciation of other music besides my dad’s world of Rock and Roll. Thank You for posting this. It brought back many good memories.

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