The GOP is either gutless, stupid or corrupt – take your pick – IOTW Report

The GOP is either gutless, stupid or corrupt – take your pick

Irrefutable evidence that the Georgia election was not on the up and up.

So, what is the useless GOP going to do about it?

ht/ js

24 Comments on The GOP is either gutless, stupid or corrupt – take your pick

  1. The Republican Party is Democrat Lite, all the evil without the passion.

    Mitch the Bitch combined several unpopular items with the $2000 CCP Flu relief (fraud investigation, 230 repeal) that guarantees the people will never see a dime of the $2000.

  2. It’s easy to see who has been corrupted and those that have not. The corrupt are trying like hell to not get caught or taken down. So far we have one senator and a few representatives that might not have been corrupted, everyone else you can assume is guilty. And this includes Pence!

  3. Anonymous
    DECEMBER 30, 2020 AT 1:43 PM
    “I will NEVER again vote for a GOP candidate unless they are endorsed by Trump.”

    …he endorsed Romney.

    …I’d say he’s not infallible.

    If you learn nothing ELSE here, learn THIS:


  4. Time for the Whigging of the Republican Party. They are fucking 1,000% useless as a dick on a screen door.

    The first person I want in our new party is Laura Loomer. Anyone that has 1/2 the moxie she does, is in too.

  5. Swamp dwelling RINOs. Most of the Congressional Republican “leadership” have been masquerading as conservatives, however, they are actually leftist elite, progressive globalists – happening for decades.

  6. There’s suppose to be a total recall effort underway now for Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. Now that so many have exposed themselves as unwilling, the same effort should be applied towards them. I’d predict a number of RINOS will spontaneously transform into a more useful form as recalls threaten them as well.

  7. Corrupt as hell. President was going after corruption and that would interfere with cash flow from kickbacks and off the record deals. I’ve thought that was the reason for all the sudden, unexpected retirements from the GOP the past few years.


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