‘The Government Can Destroy Anyone’ – IOTW Report

‘The Government Can Destroy Anyone’

DW: ‘The Government Can Destroy Anyone’: How An IRS-Led Global Alliance Ruined An Innocent American Banker.

In the Bahamas in early 2021, Sam Bankman-Fried was allegedly conducting a brazen, multi-billion dollar scheme. He virtue-signaled for liberal causes, was put on the cover of magazines, and—until things got really bad—seemed to stay off the authorities’ radar.

Around 800 miles east at the same time, a conservative activist named Peter Schiff was running his own bank in Puerto Rico. Schiff is a financier and prominent economist who regularly speaks publicly about how he thinks the government should be run: with fewer taxes and less regulation. The U.S. government teamed up with four other countries to undertake the “world’s largest tax evasion probe” against Schiff. Despite “a very significant investment by all the countries involved,” they found nothing.

Then they destroyed him anyway. Authorities leaked the existence of the investigation to the media, then cited the resulting negative publicity to take the bank from him, costing him more than $10 million. MORE

15 Comments on ‘The Government Can Destroy Anyone’

  1. The only time the government doesn’t want to talk about an “investigation” is when it is against a friend of theirs. Otherwise they can’t say enough.

  2. Cynic AT 2:18 PM
    “It’s not like he was snorting coke in the White House, hiring hookers, impregnating strippers, and committing felonies with guns.”

    ..or getting 10% rakeoffs for selling influence, providing weapons, and starting WWIII to protect everyone’s money laundry…

  3. Reading just a skosh further between the lines, one might almost get the impression that an individual from some government agency might have approached Mr Schiff at some point telling him that his bank might be perfectly situated to launder certain moneys for their group and Mr. Schiff said, “No way, José.” and then this individual might have said, “You’re gonna be SORRY!”

  4. 1947 a conservative, union president (his union went on strike again yesterday), DEMOCRAT, said,
    ““The government can never solve our problems … THE GOVERNMENT IS OUR PROBLEM!”!

    Was right 76 years ago, Is riight today!

    P. Schiff id just on of thousands of examples of how GOVERNMENT IS BAD. As Locke said 450 years ago, “History shows that in every society invert corner of the world, since the beginning of time. The greediest, meanest, in that society go into government!”!

    Ronny read Locke 95 years ago. His degree was Econ; Locke was required reading decades ago; before JFK’s EO #10925 3/61. Start of the woke revolution.

    Repeating to reinforce


  5. Don’t say anything.

    Just remain a slave to the state and pay your increased taxes, try to keep pace with crushing inflation and you will be safe from manufactured prosecution.

    The National debt and the loss of liberty are the Legacies we leave future generations. I hope they succeed where we have failed.

  6. Not even close to the truth. What they can do to anyone who has sincerely accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior is untouchable. Anything they can do shrinks to insignificance in the grand scheme of things.

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