The Grand Tour’s Jeremy Clarkson: Greta Thunberg is an ‘Idiot,’ Helped Kill Car Shows – IOTW Report

The Grand Tour’s Jeremy Clarkson: Greta Thunberg is an ‘Idiot,’ Helped Kill Car Shows


Jeremy Clarkson, a British broadcaster, columnist, and co-host of The Grand Tour, a popular motoring program on Amazon Prime Video, denounced climate change activist Greta Thunberg, calling her an “idiot” and blaming her for contributing to the loss of interest in cars by young people.

“Everyone I know under 25 isn’t the slightest bit interested in cars,” Clarkson told The Sun, and “Greta Thunberg has killed the car show.”

“They’re taught at school, before they say ‘Mummy and Daddy’, that cars are evil, and it’s in their heads,” said Clarkson.

While Clarkson said he believes that climate change is “very definitely a thing,” he stressed that Thunberg’s approach was counter-productive.

“She’s an idiot,” he said.  “Going round saying we’re all going to die, that’s not going to solve anything, my dear.” more

26 Comments on The Grand Tour’s Jeremy Clarkson: Greta Thunberg is an ‘Idiot,’ Helped Kill Car Shows

  1. i would agree somewhat, but i am of the opinion that computerized engines, transmissions, emission standards and the EPA killed shade tree mechanics. Unless of course, you have a degree in mech engineering and the automotive arts. You see almost ZERO young people at car shows or building their own street rods.

    “What about the pills you take when you have a headache? What about the clean water that comes out of your tap? What about the food you can buy at any time of the day and night? No 16-year-old was responsible for any of that.”

    “We gave you mobile phones and laptops and the internet,” said Clarkson. “We created the social media you use every day and we run the banks that pay for it all.

    “So how dare you stand there and lecture us, you spoilt brat.”

  2. Fewer and fewer teens are driving these days, at least in L.A. When I turned 16 my parents encouraged me to get my license – particularly because we lived a few miles away from any activities and the bus wasn’t convenient. Nowadays it seems like parents do the driving, and Uber has made it a lot easier. But teen interest in cars is certainly a lot lower. Not sure it’s really the GW crap though – and there are a lot of really fun new cars out.

    Also – we had two family cars and I drove one when it was available. And I paid half of the insurance increase. I was never a car nut, but certainly appreciated the freedom that being able to drive one gave.

  3. My 15 year old niece is NOT excited about getting her driver license.
    I couldn’t wait to drive. Driving symbolizes FREEDOM to me.
    On a side note, our 2008 car was destroyed in a parking lot in October. We had to replace it. We wanted a manual transmission car, because that is true driving. Well, the 2019 models did not offer a manual transmission.
    We found a brand new 2018, fully loaded model with a manual transmission for less than $20k. The salesman couldn’t drive it. He was confused as to why we wanted it.

  4. I taught all of my kids to drive as soon as they turned 16 but they were rare in their generation. Almost none of their classmates was in a hurry to drive. My theory was that they lived virtually through their iPhones, whereas, I had my license a mere two weeks after my 16th birthday because I wanted to be mobile.
    The danger I see here is that, the less you do for yourself, the more someone else decides things for you.
    This is why leftists LOVE self driving cars. Because, one day you’ll get in your self driving car and say, “Take me to McDonald’s” and your car will reply, “Lord Queen Michael Obama has determined that McDonald’s is bad for you and causes the earth to warm. Plotting course to Eco Kale Hut.”

  5. They’d be lost nowadays trying to figure out how to drive a 3 in a tree manual transmission like in the 53 Chevy which was one of the first cars I ever drove. Or trying to dim the headlights by using (or trying to find) the dimmer switch on the floor next to their left foot. And they wouldn’t have a clue what a wing window was to vent air into the vehicle from outside. And if they did figure out how to drive it they would probably smoke the clutch and have to replace the clutch like I did once and my dad made me replace it after telling me I was an idiot.

  6. @geoff the aardvark-I remember the dimmer switch on the floor!
    The 1958 VW bug I drove had one, as well as a reserve gas tank that was activated by a switch on the floor to the right of the gas pedal.
    @anonymous-yes all the controls are a pain.
    My first question was-what if I have to run someone down because they are going to kill me if I don’t? You get really weird looks when you ask questions like that, btw.

  7. Anon: I got an email from my Subaru last week telling me that my battery was going bad. I am sure that Subaru corporation and the local dealer also were informed of this situation.

  8. My best friend had a 58 VW beetle, he lovingly called it Hitler’s Revenge or a Bavarian butt effer depending on how well it ran at times. The heaters on those were virtually non existent and in the winter it would take forever to warm up even enough for the defroster to work.

  9. My almost-16 yr old can’t wait to drive on his own. Already has a 6-speed standard tranny parked in the garage. As well as a job to pay for insurance, gas, and maintenance. His school also offers a mechanics program off school grounds junior year he’s planning on attending. And he maintains an A average. What’s wrong with other kids?

  10. The bright switch on the floor was waaaay better than the moronic on-the-column lever in today’s cars. Also, much safer because you could leave both hands on the wheel. Sometimes newer is not better.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. I got my license on my 16th birthday. DMV opened at 8 but my father just had to have one more cup of coffee. The guy at the DMV, noticing it was my birthday and that they had been open for half an hour before I got there, looked at me and said, “You’re late.”

  12. My dad started teaching me to drive when I was 12. We lived in a tiny town in a rural area, so there were lots of country roads on which to learn. Got my license on my 16th birthday.

  13. Okay, I win!

    One of my first vehicles was referred to as “LAST NAME’s Pickup Truck” by girlfriend and a few other’s (figure it out). Anyway, Forties Dodge pickup truck that had no floor left and fitted with sheet metal that was bent to perfection and covered with carpet except the front panels in the front of the compartment. My point was no-one could ever steal that one today, because beyond the stick shift the starter was on the floor board like the dimmer switch discussed above.

    Believe they’ve gone back to this by putting starter buttons on the consul of some of the “modern cars.”

    Could always tell the guys running on two tickets cause they would be doing the speed limit (third in a year’s period was loss of license). Friend finished a build on a deuce coupe very late at night and had to take it out for the test drive. Road between two and three towns over was straight and four lanes for about three miles plus where he opened it up. Clocked at 130 plus and when explaining to the cop it was his first time out with it they let him go…

    Was legend in the group for getting away with what could have been “reckless driving” and loss of license.

    Early sixties and very different times

  14. I remember as a kid, in late September riding my bike to the local Chevy dealer and sneaking up to the rooftop parking lot where the new models were waiting for their official introduction. Back when the manufacturers would restyle the cars every year. Good times.

  15. @ Agatha: Learned to drive at age 11 or 12 in a Henry J in our very large back yard in Memphis, TN.

    @ Geoff: Our youngest had a ’70 VW with heater that hardly worked at all. He bought a large sleeping bag and cut holes for his head and arms in the bottom of it for winter driving here in MT. He’d pull it over his head and drive in comfort leaving what little heat the bug would produce for his windshield. Smart kid! However, the solenoid wire for the starter would come off from time to time and he’d have to crawl under the bug to reattach it. He never thought to pinch the damned spade clip on that wire so it would stay in place until the day he was under the car reattaching it and shorted the damned starter out and ran over himself with his own car. Not so smart! But he was a big kid and the only damage he suffered was the tire tread mark across his chest and the laughing from his brothers, friends and me. He crimped that clip immediately after he got out from under the bug that time.

  16. I got my motorcycle license before i got a car license. The instructor who oked me for my test worked at the motocross track i raced at he didnt ask me to do a test ride just signed me off sent me on my way. Great sixteenth birthday.

  17. This nasty little bitch (normally I wouldn’t use that word on someone that young but she’s earned every letter) likely grew up with rich parents who indulged her every whim and reinforced this man-made climate change claptrap being taught in school and every word she utters is repeated and amplified by a fawning liberal press that is at hoping that this is as least possible because bad news sells newspaper and young heroines (think Joan of Arc) battling against the old establishment bump sales even more.

    Every one of these prophets who quote a doomsday date unless huge changes they demand are made immediately ought to held to it and if the date comes and earth’s population hasn’t dropped by say, 25% without the massive changes that they demand then they get publically burned at the stake.

  18. My V-8 powered Jeep, STILL has more spaghetti (wires & hoses) than engine under the hood. 😡

    Bring back the 426 Hemi, the 428 SuperCobraJet, and the Chebby Four-Oh-Nine! And build some cars that DON’T look like suppositories, to tote ’em around in!!!

  19. My first vehicle was a 1946 GMC pickup that I paid $15.00 for in 1964. Junked a few years later and bought a 55 Chevy two door sedan. We lived in the country so there were no buses and who the heck wanted to ride in a bus?
    Found a 1946 Chevy pickup (almost the same as my GMC) in the 1990’s. They cost a bit more than $15.00 but it’s still a blast to drive. Love those points and condenser ignitions, when they’re set up right!

  20. My first car was 73 pinto wagon army green lime green interior four gear fun then threefourty four gear demon then a 66 mustang all within two years. Our family shop restored vintage vehicles i was lucky fun childhood.

  21. “Jeremy Clarkson is an ‘Idiot,’, he’s helped kill car shows.”
    Just like bringing to the US other no-talent Brit Twits whose own countries they can’t get a job in,,,

  22. Gee, as I approached driving age & a few years following that. The USA was trying to land a man on the moon, and succeeded. Ford was challenging Ferrari in the big 24 hour endurance races, and winning. Ford launched the Mustang, then Chevy the Camero, Plus the hemis & other muscle cars. There was a lot to be excited about. Even for kids like me that couldn’t afford to buy their own vehicle.

    Now not so much, just an endless parade of people & groups that want to bitch & whine about everything. Including their own country & its history. Yet when many of them can’t even figure out what sex they are. How can they make proper judgements about anything?


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