The Great American Cowboy – 1973 documentary – IOTW Report

The Great American Cowboy – 1973 documentary

JD Hasty says-

This is an outstanding documentary.  Some of the quotes from the youngsters are hilarious.

I have been looking for this for a long time and every time I thought I had it it was garbage or just snippets.


8 Comments on The Great American Cowboy – 1973 documentary

  1. From back when Bonanza was still a recent memory if not still on the air, and you could eat at the restaurant that Hoss started, and boys could still buy Marx cowboy and Indian action figures, and toy rifles, and the Time Life book series on the old west was sold on TV…but the spirit was largely nostalgia by that time and it’s pretty much gone now.

  2. Yup! Back when I was a kid, we had cap guns, rifles, BB Guns, Bows and Arrows (play), rubber Bowie knives, Bazookas, Army soldiers and used to play Cowboys and Indians, War, Cops and Robbers, King of the Hill, Buckeye wars, etc. Nobody really got hurt and we all had good fun. The only way you got butt-hurt is if you fell the wrong way getting “shot”! Now, in the name of Political Correctness and Leftist Do-Gooder Nannyism, all that has been taken away and what have we been left with? Midnight basketball, kids doing drugs, Kids having kids, kids maiming kids and kids killing kids, girls turning into boys and boys turning into girls.
    Gee Wally, that sure worked out well didn’t it?
    Yeah Beave, add Common Core to all this and they’ve got the next generation being pussyfied up from the floor up by the Communist Left… which is whole the goal: create a generation of pansies who can’t think straight and won’t fight!

  3. The cowboy is dead and CO has been killed by invading Californicators that had to move to their new host CO and gave our electoral votes to CA without a shot fired.

  4. Huh. This movie was shot in Arizona. Like…yesterday.

    Please do visit Prescott Arizona this July 4th for the worlds oldest rodeo.

    And then get the fug out. We’re not really into tourists.


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