The Great Barrier Reef has more coral growing on it than ever recorded – IOTW Report

The Great Barrier Reef has more coral growing on it than ever recorded

JoNova: The coral cover as sampled by AIMS across the entire Great Barrier Reef is not just good, but better than it has ever been in the 36 years they have been studying it. If the reef is in danger — it’s from being overgrown with coral. Climate Change, such as it is, has caused no trend at all.

If anything, in the spirit of modern-media-science, climate change causes record coral growth.

Tonight the UN scientists decided not to list the reef as “in danger”. The ABC and every Green group who normally follow UN scientists slavishly said that was “only because of lobbying”. more here

h/t Joe6pak.

11 Comments on The Great Barrier Reef has more coral growing on it than ever recorded

  1. There’s money to be made if the reef is in danger. Therefore, it must always be seen as in danger or someone’s job is in jeopardy. Those will be the loudest protestors.

  2. If I had a dollar for every time democrats pretend to be scientists and incessantly make dire predictions that never come to pass, I’d pay more attention to them.

  3. It’s because Australia has spent decades curing itself of toxic whiteness. Just imagine how awesome! that reef’ll be, when the last enviro-weenie-whitey-hating-whitey gets PoX’d out.

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