The Great D.C. Round Up – IOTW Report

The Great D.C. Round Up

Red State

President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday that affirmatively pulled all the “independent” boards, commissions, and agencies that have proliferated since the Roosevelt administration under the management of the White House. The order, titled Ensuring Accountability for All Agencies – The White House, states, “For the Federal Government to be truly accountable to the American people, officials who wield vast executive power must be supervised and controlled by the people’s elected President.” More

9 Comments on The Great D.C. Round Up

  1. I do believe that lots of Deep State Swampoids will declare that this is the hill they’re willing to die on. And if as I expect the SCOTUS recognizes the unitary executive, those Swampoids WILL die on this hill. And good riddance.

  2. “For the Federal Government to be truly accountable to the American people, officials who wield vast executive power must be supervised and controlled by the people’s elected President.”

    Fantastic right now.

    A nightmare when a Dem is in.

    Still a win. He’s really got to take the deep state apart as fast as he can so the change happens, the benefits become obvious quickly, and the bad guys get undeniably exposed for who they are.

    I see the very real possibility many politicians will have serious legal problems and loss of reputation – on both sides of the aisle, but I’d wager it’s all of them on the left.


  3. The ACCESS Board spent decades flying people around the country and to Washington DC to update the PROWAG Public Right of Way Access Guide. It’s a bigger fucking mess than it has ever been and, and, and…

    The guy posting this right here was practically the only advocate that people in the State of Washington with disabilities had. Most could not afford $300/hour to hire an engineering firm to advocate for them.

    The ACCESS Board was absolutely not acting on these people’s behalf. They were acting on behalf of engineering firms and construction companies behalf. How is it that I can make such an unequivocal statement? Well, in ~ 2000 a resident would call and need a curb ramp. Mr Hasty would get hold of the Streets Maintenance Manager or a Job Order Contractor and for about $500/ramp or $2,000 per intersection for an intersection w/o any real complications Mr or Mrs Resident could get in their wheel chair and happily roll on through the intersection. OK, so fast forward to today and an easy ramp costs $16,000. But you need to have two per corner. That’s $32,000/corner, or $128,000/intersection… for those of you in Rio Linda. It’s a fucking scandal and it has resulted in me being able to get a temporary fix in in days and a permanent solution within a couple months to people who have real needs getting NOTHING FOR YEARS, IF EVER.

    I haven’t been doing advocacy lately. That was all pro bono and my work was on the evening news frequently when I was actively doing it. Oh, all of the young, with it, socially aware, “engineers”:don’t give a shit about anything except making sure they have their pronouns on their email signature line of their emails.

    The costs I quoted are from my paying job as a Civil Engineer for a quarter century at a good size City in the Puget Sound area. I shit you not. If you thing USAID was a wake up call, this shit with these Boards and Commissions is every bit as bad.

  4. If this would have happened under Biden, Hunter would have made all the decisions for him. Of course Hunter would have been told what to do from the likes of Stinklosi, Shitmer, Shitty Schiff. etc.

  5. “that this is the hill they’re willing to die on”

    You might be right. But then on the other hand I’m hearing their so worried about the pals ratting everyone out that there’s zero sleep in D.C. right now. There butts are puckered and they’re trying to figure out how to save their own skins right now.

  6. @ Bad_Brad FRIDAY, 21 FEBRUARY 2025, 0:33 AT 12:33 AM

    I was immersed in the very same culture for 25 years. I can 100% assure you that Olympia, Sacramento on down the governments in blue states are staffed with the very same personality types as the federal government has been and to a degree that is in proportion to how “blue” they are. It is carried all the way down to the first management level of local, county and state government.

    They are staffed up with the most conniving, manipulative, maneuvering, conspiring, plotting & counterplotting, self serving, duplicitous, treacherous, nasty, vile, glad handing, rotten, disloyal, wretched, diabolically narcissistic filth imaginable.

    The top lever shitbags have been lawyered up since at least this time last year. They have been coordinating amongst others to fob off blame on underlings as well as each other. They are absolutely and unequivocally without any sense of honor whatsoever.

    Here’s the deal, they all know that they couldn’t trust a single solidarity individual in their network and they know it better than you and I know it. They know the treachery and deceit that defines themselves and they know damn well that there isn’t a one among that isn’t just as morally bankrupt as they themselves are.

    They are completely screwed. Every single one of their associates is trying to cut deals already. Every last stinking one of them. In the agency I worked in the number of exceptions could be counted on your fingers. For every one that wasn’t everything I have laid out, there are a dozen who are. Some of them are pretty clever, however that is going to work against them too. They are the ones who believe themselves to be way more clever than they actually are.

    The level of intrigue and skullduggery is already off the charts in Washington DC, Olympia, Sacramento on down the line. City Hall and County government in every blue area in Washington is in panic mode right now. I know that Washington is not unique and this is a full blown crisis situation across the entire country.

    One other thing I know is that the natives are restless and they know that as well. What people are seeing is that Trump, Musk and the rest of Team MAGA are proving that the situation is hopeless and it’s useless to fight against what is obvious corruption. The Democrats are polling and focus grouping like a motherfucker and around here what they are finding is that people they have relied on to go along to get along think that what they would like the same sort of effort are seeing from DOGE in Washington DC in Washington State and what really has them panicking is they would like to see it go all the way down to the local jurisdiction level.

  7. Shut them down.
    Kill the beast.
    Don’t oversee it or try to domesticate it.
    All of these un-elected, un-accountable bureaucrats (and bureaucracies) need to go.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. “Independent commissions” ostensibly were setup to provide expert advice and recommendations on certain problems by a panel of credible people. We all know that they have since devolved into panels of politically connected insider hacks whose sole goal is to provide cover for politicians who don’t want to take responsibility for whatever crazy ass recommendations these commissions make.

    The elected officials can pretend like their hands are tied by pushing the false narrative that the commissions and panels make the decision when they really don’t. The Constitution gives that power to executives, legislatures, and judges. And anyone claiming some branch agency, independent commission, or NGO decides some law or policy is just being a fucking snake in the grass.

  9. On a related note: Has DOGE shut down Pelosi’s US Capitol Police Field Offices yet? I reckon we’d have heard about it if they were closed. Maybe one of the new alt media reporters can ask Leavitt or Miller at the next presser.


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