The Great Ice Cream War Has Spilled Over Into Private Emails – IOTW Report

The Great Ice Cream War Has Spilled Over Into Private Emails

A couple of nights ago Irony and I showed up at Pinko’s radio show and Irony told the story of how, at a dinner party, Pinko inexplicably chose to go on a rant about how Friendly’s ice cream sucks. (He did defend the Fribble, if I recall.)

It was an oddly specific rant, and unfortunate, because when it was time for dessert, Mrs. Curtain, with a sneering smile, plunked down, wouldn’t you know it, a half gallon of Friendly’s ice cream right in front of Pinko.

“Here, why don’t ya start with this.”

It was a great foot in mouth moment.

Telling the story, however, has reignited the great ice cream war of 2013 (or so).

Irony, in a blast email,  has countered with this —> touting them as the best store bought cone.

Pinko has re-countered with —-> saying ice cream begins and ends with Talenti (or Hagen Dazs.)

I have no dog in this fight.

But feel free to slap the two of them into reality with what you consider to be the best ice cream.


85 Comments on The Great Ice Cream War Has Spilled Over Into Private Emails

  1. I like ice cream in general, the richer and creamier the better. Here is something I bet most people don’t know, the state that consumes the most ice cream per capita is Alaska. Hard to figure that one. This is from a few years ago, may not be accurate today.

  2. And just to clarify, in the Curtain household Friendly’s is actually a rarity, which is why Pinko’s rant was so timely and ill-timed. Although the Friendly’s cones mentioned above are out of this world, trust me.
    We love:
    Carvel (fresh at Carvel) – Chocolate with chocolate sprinkles
    Haagen Dazs – the whole line but especially Chocolate, Chocolate Chip, and Coffee
    Blue Bunny All Chocolate Cones
    Turkey Hill – Double Dunker (man, oh man!)
    The list goes on…

  3. I was quite surprised by Halo Top, a low-sugar, low-calorie brand. Unfortunately it is rather expensive, so I only get it when it’s on sale. If you are watching your sugar, it’s a good alternative.

  4. I had a French Vanilla that was a dark yellow gold color that was really good. I don’t know if it was dreyers or breyers. And the other one I liked was Talenti’s Roman Raspberry(?). And the third one I like, I made myself.
    Banana and raspberry sorbet. But don’t go by me, I’m not an ice cream eater and I have high cholesterol. LOL.

  5. I’ve never had Friendly’s and so have no comment.
    I have, however, had plenty of Talenti and it is marvellously good. Some of their flavors don’t appeal to me, but many do, and I can’t say that I’ve ever had better sorbetto or gelato. I’m especially fond of their Alphonso Mango sorbetto, and these gelatos:

    – Coffee Chocolate Chip
    – Sea Salt Caramel
    – Peppermint Bark
    – Madagascan Vanilla Bean (outstanding!)

    There’s another brand of Italian style gelato that is also excellent. IIRC the brand name is Fiasco.

  6. Tony R- I know! LOL. Last time I went east, I saw they had no Jack in the Box! I was going into 2/99cent taco withdrawals. Las Vegas, so far, doesn’t have a Friendly’s restaurant, but we do have Friendly’s ice cream at the grocery stores.

  7. I can Eat a whole quart tub of Mayfield Butter Pecan In one sitting (Eat your heart out Trump!) But I feel strange for about an hour afterwards… Its like my body goes into some insulin production overdrive or something… *shrug*

    Heh /Salute

  8. It has to be Blue Bell. What else could explain the fact that 30 people died and as soon as it went back on sale everyone bought it again. Apparently it’s to die for.

  9. Steve’s Ice Cream up in Boston during the mid-80’s. In some cases, they made the ice cream at the store. They are also the group who started the whole mix-in crazy where they would pound out the ice cream until it was flat and you would choose what other ingredients to mix-in e.g., nuts, Reese’s Pieces, chocolate chips, coconut etc…. so you could create your own unique pint to take home.

  10. @joe6pak, you’re right about Alaska – we down that stuff all year round. But what bums me out is I’ve been to Friendly’s and their ice cream is soooooo good – and we don’t flippin’ have a Friendly’s! We do have Baskin Robbins, though, which is pretty good. Vanilla ice cream with pound cake or half a chocolate muffin (coz they’re huge), or chocolate chip mint with chocolate sprinkles is the best. My son loves moose tracks.

    Cold Stone is meh, we don’t have Carvel.

  11. Here in God’s country Umpqua is the ice cream of choice from the supermarket, Baskin Robbins for Ice cream stores. But probably the best Ice cream I’ve ever had came from the Penn State dairy.

  12. If you’re in Philly, try Bassetts at the Reading Terminal.
    “America’s oldest ice cream company—established in 1861…”

    Let me know how it is, as I won’t be going anywhere near there. It used to be the best.

  13. I just checked the ice box. Mrs. Moe has Friendlys vanilla, and Turkey Hill strawberry. She goes by price, not quality or taste. All fine with me, I only eat the stuff when I have a hang over. Which is very, very rare indeed.

  14. usually Breyer’s French Vanilla, or Cold Stone Vanilla w/ Chocolate Shavings … I’m w/ Mr. P on Friendly’s … we had a Friendly’s in our neighborhood … one of the dirtiest places I ever ate in & the ice cream was meh … maybe it was the 65 year old, gum cracking, massively cleavaged, tattooed waitress; or all the screaming kids running around smearing their sticky hands over every surface they touched; or the cook in the back smoking a cigarette; or the manager, looking like a creepier David Arquette, with his shirt-tail hanging out; or …

    … but I prefer homemade

    anybody ever make snow ice cream?

  15. Every Friendly’s I’ve ever been in is a bit on the older side and a bit greasy and dirty, yes.

    For the uninitiated, Friendly’s is a lot like the old Howard Johnson’s franchise.
    They are actually a restaurant chain which became better known for their ice cream than the restaurant part.

  16. We used to make ice cream when I was a kid, so about 100 years ago. To be honest our success rate was about 50%. Some of was so good we impressed ourselves and some of it came out kind of icy instead of creamy.

  17. Tony,

    I always wanted to try the Penn State Creamery… but the words Penn State and Creamery after the Sandusky fallout turned me off a bit.

    No, but seriously, I saw a half hour special on the creamery and it looked great.

  18. I think I’ve shared this before- My sorbet recipe.

    2 cups of small chunks of frozen fruit (bananas really take over the flavor, so be careful if you use them with any other fruit.)

    pour 1/4 cup sweetened (or unsweetened) condensed milk over them and puree them in a food processor until it’s creamy. Add more condensed milk if you need to.

    Eat it as is, or throw it in the freezer for later.

    Canned fruit works, too. Try mandarin oranges from the can. Lay them out on a baking sheet on parchment paper and put them in the freezer (no juice) and use those frozen.

    Keep in mind, if the fruit is weak in flavor (like when you get a watery peach or nectarine, etc) then your sorbet will be flavorless.

  19. @Uncle Al ~ lmao … yes, you do have to watch where you gather the snow … & only use the clean, virgin top layer … & it only works w/ new-fallen snow

    btw, “Forbidden Chocolate Krunch”? … there’s an O’Breezy/Reggie Love joke waiting to happen

  20. @Jethro ~ will be stopping by Sharpsburg on the 17th (anniversary of the battle; on the way to Deep Creek Lake for some R&R) & will definitely be stopping @ Nutter’s

    … remember the old University of Merryland ice cream from their dairy? … used to be right across Rt. 1 from old Ritchie Coliseum
    or Weiles in Langley Park?

  21. @Turd Burglestein: You ain’t just whistling Dixie. When they issued the recall for Blue Bell, I had two gallons of Homemade Vanilla (the most popular flavor) in my freezer. I thought, “Screw that. They’ll get my Blue Bell when they pry it from my cold dead ice cream scoop.” I rationed it out to myself over the next few months and I was enjoying Blue Bell ice cream when everyone else was weeping and and wailing and wondering when it would come back.

    FWIW, Most of the Blue Bell that had Listeria wasn’t the regular ice cream, it was the specialty stuff. Anyway, there’s a whole lot of ways to be exposed to Listeria and it usually won’t cause you serious problems unless your immune system is compromised or you are pregnant. My body’s still pretty tough (knock on wood), and I’m not pregnant. I just look that way.

    @refuse/resist and @MJA: I’m so sorry. I will light a candle for you guys.


  22. Wisconsin is almost equal parts butter and ice cream (with plenty of beer and brats), so it’s unfair to compare the many, many local ice cream outlets across the state to commercial brands.

    We had the governor stop by our local ice cream maker a couple of weeks ago. Rumor is that his favorite was Blueberry Cheesecake.

    Cedar Crest is our favorite store brand, but I’m not sure that it’s sold outside the state. If you see it in your store, its a premium.

  23. FUR: Son-in-law is a Penn State alumni. Has the stuff shipped out west packed in dry ice. I was skeptical since he is fanatical about all things PS. But the ice cream IS very good. As a side note, he has a photo (now hidden away) of himself when he was about 12 standing next to Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky. We don’t talk about it.

  24. Pick your favorite vanilla….throw some frozen sour cherries in a sauce pan with some sugar and make a quick caramel sauce, stir continually. Add about one ounce of brandy, cognac or even bourbon and flambé it…. and when the flame dies out stir it up and top off the vanilla ice cream with your quick cherries jubilee sauce….

    Of course I remember UM’s dairy on Rt 1.
    I spent five years there and ate many cones and banana splits!
    It is still there, I think. I took my son there every time I visited him when he was going to school a few years ago. I also remember the original Ledo’s Pizza.

  26. OMG that looks good!
    I have to say, and iOTW PNW locals can call BS on this, but the Seattle area has the suckiest ice cream, pizza and potato chips. I get homesick for my Ohio roots when it comes to all three.

    Ice cream: Velvet and Jeni’s. Velvet is classically good ice cream. Jeni’s is fancy pants artisan ice cream but they have awesome flavors and sorbet.

    The Goshen Dairy sold orange pineapple ice cream when I was little. It was a family favorite-signally the start of summer. Goshen was bought by United Diary Farmers and they carried it for awhile and then it disappeared. 🙁

    I miss soft serve ice cream sooo much. The Dairy Hut in Pataskala can’t be beat.

    We used to go to Friendly’s all the time- the Reese’s Pieces Sundae was yummy!
    And GD Ritzy’s, anyone? They had the best mint chocolate chip ice cream!

  27. riverlife_callie- Remember Daquiri Ice!? It was like 35 cents a scoop. It was the only thing I would eat.
    Then they stopped selling ice cream. *Sigh*

    And then BR started to sell it and it was just weird.

  28. Breyers Butter Pecan Ice Cream. About 20 years ago, it was my absolute favorite. I don’t like creamy ice cream and Breyers was closer to ice milk than cream. I hadn’t had any for quite some time, but bought some about a year ago. Bummer, it’s more creamy now. I still ate it, but not as good.

    One super plus about Breyers is they use vanilla beans in their recipe and, yum!, it is gooooood.

    I’ve been on a low-carb diet since Feb (and, boy, do I feel better!) and haven’t had any ice cream. Dang, I might have to do an Irony Curtain ice cream run!

  29. My grandson likes Friendly’s dirt’n’worms sundae. As a 6 year old, though, he might eat actual dirt’n’worms if the payoff was big enough. He loves those suckers with the scorpions in them.

  30. Tiny little family owned shop in Roscoe, IL called Dairy Haus, they sell Wedding Cake ice cream.

    It is sublime because it literally does taste like wedding cake with Old fashioned buttercream frosting. They make it on site. People line up for blocks… quietly and cooperatively.

  31. When I was a kid, I’d always get Pink Bubble Gum at the Baskin Robbins in Westport, CT. I couldn’t believe they actually put pieces of gum right in the ice cream!

    Nowadays, I like Rocky Road from BR. In the grocery store, Turkey Hill Vanilla Bean is excellent. Hood Coffee Cookies and Cream is dangerously good.

    Sugar cone, please 👍

  32. MJA – can’t say I do, but I’m older than you and they probably didn’t have it then. Their sherbets were pretty good.

    From very early childhood in Western PA, they had a flavor called White House Cherry. Vanilla ice cream with maraschino cherries. I pined for it for years, because they didn’t have it on the west coast. When I moved back to PA, I had to buy some. Disappointed, but probably because the ice cream wasn’t high quality.

  33. riverlife_callie well, the ‘health’ craze has ruined a lot of stuff. It was bad during the 90s but it really went insane around the 0bama regime. Thanks to Big Mike. She single-handedly, with McDonald’s blessing, ruined McDonald’s for me.

  34. I like all the pricey ice creams mentioned above.

    However, I always have a half gallon of Hood Vanilla Bean in my freezer. $2.79 per carton. Top with a glob of chocolate sauce and some chopped walnuts. Microwave for 10 seconds. Pretty tasty desert for 30 cents.

  35. Blue Bell is the bomb. Hagen Dazs is pretty good, too. It’s just over priced. Both are Texas brands. Blue bell Homemade Vanilla with Big Red or Dad’s Root Beer makes me very happy. Hagen Dazs “Tres Leches” ice cream is awesome.

  36. Thanks. I’m 50 pounds overweight with Type 2 diabetes, and just reading this thread added 10 points to my sugar count and my pants feel more snug now.

    And no, I don’t have the willpower to stop reading.

  37. I’m going to save this post and comments to savor later over a bowl of ice cream.

    I love ice cream! Strangely enough, I’ve found that the gold standard for vanilla ice cream is Costco’s Kirkland brand vanilla. It’s as smooth as Hagen Daz and has a brighter, cleaner vanilla taste. And it’s a whole lot less expensive. Trouble is, you gotta buy two. (sad trombone)

    Otherwise, I’m a Hagen Daz girl. Rum Raisin, coffee, honey vanilla.

  38. I don’t often do this now but did a lot when a kid==I take some melted butter in a cup and add cocoa and powdered sugar for a fudge sundae with vanilla, preferably Breyers. But not too often. It’s easier now with microwaves.

  39. Bestest ever, in the whole world and in the history of the world: Frederick and Nelson maple ice cream and vanilla ice cream. The fat content was so high, the vanilla ice cream looked like a skinless,poached chicken breast sitting on the plate. And as you ate it a slick of cream fat would form on the roof of your mouth. My gosh!

  40. Store bought – Friendly’s Classic Vanilla (not the French stuff). Best I’ve had was homemade vanilla in a Cuisinart maker my daughter gave me. Chocolate was great too. Easy & simple 4 ingredients. Vodka can be added to make it softer. May have to try that.

  41. Talenti’s is great cuz it’s so creamy and the flavor is really strong.
    Also, since I had the misfortune of developing slight lactose intolerance during my teens, the huge amount of dairy free options that Talenti offers is great too. ;b

    Oh, and 2nd the any coffee ice cream comment. Coffee ice cream is the best that there is.


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