The Great Melting Pot – IOTW Report

The Great Melting Pot

Being a populist party that has built its political power from appealing to immigrant group after immigrant group through out its history, Josh Gelernter points out why demographics are never going to give the Democrats a permanent majority.




3 Comments on The Great Melting Pot

  1. The other demographic is the poor. People grow up and become adults,, move up the economic scale, and pay taxes. While some make a life style of welfare, for most, poverty is a transient condition.

    The Democrat ruling class has found the solution to their dilemma: import poor people and screw over the middle class.

  2. On a side note “The Great Melting Pot” has not been taught in schools for a long long time. My kids, who are grown now, were taught it was a “Salad Bowl”. We had a long talk at the time about assimilation and Merica.

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