The Great Orator is a Cure For Insomnia – IOTW Report

The Great Orator is a Cure For Insomnia

He’s a snooze! President Obama’s Dallas address lulls police officer to sleep 

  • As President Obama memorialized the slain officers in Dallas one female cop seemed to be asleep behind his shoulder
  • The officer clapped through the beginning of Obama’s long-winded speech, but soon was spotted with her eyes closed 
  • The president spoke at length about the difficulties of modern-day policing and about the current state of race relations in the United States 

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19 Comments on The Great Orator is a Cure For Insomnia

  1. LOL! I have the exact opposite problem with O’Bummer. Everything that comes out of his mouth pisses me off to the point of turning me into a stomping, screaming, cursing madman. I remember LBJ having the same effect on my father, who was normally a quiet, soft-spoken guy.

    When Dear Leader deigns to address the nation during prime time, I cannot listen because it’s a lock he’ll get me so riled up I’ll be unable to fall asleep. I can always read about the speech the next morning in the Post, when I’ll be en route to work and already in a foul, pissy mood.

  2. How could those officers have just sat there? The disconnect from reality, the in your face “protests can get messy”!!!!!, the blaming racism…I would have had to have had my feet nailed to the floor not to have gotten up and walked out.

    Next to tone deaf in the dictionary is a picture of this assturd.

    Fucking POS.

  3. I didn’t listen to any of them yesterday and I won’t listen to the
    analysis by the talking heads today. I don’t want to hear that our police “have to be retrained” and placed “under federal control for
    training and procedure purposes.”
    Look, five good men were murdered in Dallas, seven more were wounded, and for no reason what so ever.
    Their families need help right now. They are broken; they have lost fathers, brothers, uncles, sons, friends. For no reason!
    There are police radio transmissions available that shows the Dallas
    Police were calm and speaking back and forth indicating no problem with the protesters.
    All of a sudden, a bushwacker. Shots fired,12 men taken by total surprise.
    Now the big question for the legal eagles: “Was it fair to use a robot bomb to kill the bastard.”?
    I’ve had it with the talk
    If you want to help the broken families in Dallas, as suggested by
    Ed Mullins of the NYPD, Sergeants Benevolent Association, send a note and a few bucks to:
    Assist The Officer
    1412 Griffin Street, East Dallas
    Texas 75215

  4. It’s obvious, Obama cut a big ass fart and it knocked her out!

    About Bush dancing, well, he’s just a happy man! Better than the Mooche giving the nasty look at someone in the audience.

  5. Despot Barry never gets tired of hearing his own voice. He doesn’t care his words are irritating, stupid, arrogant and destructive.
    @greetingsfromyonkers, Ditto! Thank God for the mute button.

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