The Great Trump/Pence Logo Redux – IOTW Report

The Great Trump/Pence Logo Redux

Twitter seems to be blowing up with people redoing the not-so-liked TrumpPence logo.

I guess I’ll weigh in with my two cents on the Trump/Pence. Time spent: 4 minutes.


32 Comments on The Great Trump/Pence Logo Redux

  1. Fur, I really liked your first bumper sticker style “Trump/Pence”

    Can’t think of how to get around “TP” and “Donald & Mike” sound like plumbers.

  2. When I saw the vertical part of the T screwing the hole in the P logo, I seriously thought it was a joke. I’m still hoping it’s not what their going to use? That logo would be an embarrassment to a first semester graphic design student!

  3. Keep it simple: Trump/Pence 2016. BFH got it right first time
    Maybe add a Minuteman or Nathan Hale for us old folks who will know what they mean. Otherwise keep it simple. don’t confuse the young’uns.

  4. This is why I never made it in advertising.
    I’d like to see Trump as a lion with a blood soaked face curled up in the hollowed out carcass of Hillary, relaxing after a feast. Put it in a yellow bordered page, like a National Geographic cover.

    King of the Serengeti edition.

  5. Anything beats that ultra pussy-fied Romney logo with the mystical red white and blue flame.

    Trump / Pence, We’ll build the fence!
    Finally, leadership with some common sense!
    Democrats must be getting tense!
    We all can see they’re totally dense!

  6. BFH, your creation is so much better and appealing. However, Trump’s team are masters of getting people talking and thinking, even if it’s with negativity. More publicity – free. 🙂

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