The Green New Deal is so absurd the authors are now claiming it was doctored by Republicans – IOTW Report

The Green New Deal is so absurd the authors are now claiming it was doctored by Republicans

This dopey looking putz is saying Occasional Cortex is tweeting out and laughing at the same things everyone laughed at her about. He claims it was all doctored.


46 Comments on The Green New Deal is so absurd the authors are now claiming it was doctored by Republicans

  1. The Big Lie theory, in Hitler’s own words:

    “All this was inspired by the principle – which is quite true in itself – that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.” -Mein Kampf

  2. Carried to its inevitable conclusion, AOCā€™s Green New Deal will involve the genocide of millions of farting bovines. Who is going to eat all that meat? Will all those cows just be turned into fertilizer? What will all those cowboys and ranchers do after their cattle have been slaughtered to prevent bovines from destroying the air we need to breath to sustain a vegan lifestyle? Whatā€™s next? This will lead to the genocide of millions of hogs and then little lambs. Will all these innocent animals be sent to California for ā€œresettlementā€ on the West Coast? Iā€™m sure that a conference at Wannsee will sort all this out for us, and we just need to trust the people who have all the answers. Remember that warning from history. ā€œFirst they came for the farting cattle, then they came for the porkers, then they came for the sheep, or something like that…ā€

  3. @Crackerbaby. ā€œAlmost as ridiculous as that simpletonā€™s hairā€¦.ā€

    His head or knuckles! Those are the hairiest knuckles Iā€™ve seen in 75 years on this planet.

  4. I had the urge to shoot that lying faggot through the TV screen. I don’t cotton to that old “Are you gonna believe me or your lying eyes?” routine. Everything he said was all lies. Typical socialist scumbag.

  5. I hope she is paying him with carbon credits
    Cornell deserves a letter, with a reference to, and copy of, the original webpage that shows ‘unwilling.’ (they pulled the page down).
    He is deceitful and he reflects poorly on that institution

  6. “doctored”
    “get to the bottom of this”

    ” Economic security to all who are unable or unwilling to work”

    I archived that myself. It is an archived page from https// Check the address, check the archived page itself. Forging a government document would be a felony, and I know that.
    He’s a bullshitter. Hopefully he doesn’t fart too- he wouldn’t like what that would get him

  7. I watched about 30 sec of this guy and my “punch-a-face” meter pegged.
    Concerning ridding our nation of cows. Someone please explain to me in simple language how 150+ years ago, massive herds of buffalo roamed the western plains and somehow their farts didn’t affect the climate. And when I say massive, I mean ginormous size herds. Add in the fact that an average size bison is much bigger than an average size bovine and there should have been fartogens injected into the atmosphere that truly would have made gold corrode. Splain that to me.

  8. The Canadian Free Press thinks she got most of it from a stack of “ideas” that have been floating around Canada since the 1990’s. A little note at the bottom should state
    “Not original creation”, made in Canada. But she thinks she is too clever to ever be exposed.

  9. @F4UCorsair: “fartogens”

    love it. You win the special award for the day!

    I don’t think climate was invented until sometime in the 50’s or something. Before then, it was just weather. So, like, that’s why. It used to be an ‘externality, but the inclusiveness of intersectionality has changed that. sAmazing.

  10. Did it occur to him that everything Cortex has said matches exactly what’s in the document? She was even interviewed on it several times and gave the same exact statements as what’s in the documents. She even tweeted about it! Nice try, though.

  11. Wowsers! No idea which site. Asked yesterday how long it was going to take the dems to come up with a conspiracy theory blaming President Trump for AOC. Sure did not think it would happen in less than 24 hours! Are they predictable or what?

  12. Oh, no…not ‘Silence of the Lambs’

    Pigs: (totals)
    US = 74,000,000
    China = 770,000,000

    Also, bison fart a lot, too. They were here long before humans were. It’s their country, not the Indians.

    Moral of the story: Kill the cows and the bull shit will still be here.

  13. I love the part around the 1:50 mark where he does the “Glamor Shot” pose. I was watching last night and saw him do that and it was great to see it again (with the mute on). What a putz he is.

  14. F4UCorsair, bison farts are natural you know and they’re also sacred to native Americans (injuns) so they’re exempt from any regulations of how much they fart. And besides if you’re nowhere near a cow of a buffalo out in the wild does anyone even really hear them fart, except for maybe ranchers.

  15. The Green New Deal sets a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, at the end of this 10-year plan because we arenā€™t sure that we will be able to fully get rid of, for example, emissions from cows or air travel before then. However, we do believe we can ramp up renewable manufacturing and power production, retrofit every building in America, build the smart grid, overhaul transportation and agriculture, restore our ecosystem, and more to get to net-zero emissions

    Can’t say they aren’t ambitious.

    A lot of general statements in there that can be taken to whatever level the listener wants to think – Ramp-up? Overhaul? pretty fill-in-the-blank for the listener as to what that means or looks like.

    The retrofit every building one is pretty specific about how many – all! – but still vague on what the hell she means. So, again – people will take it to mean whatever wonderful thing that pops in their heads. Based on nothing real.

    I’m leaning toward separating the country up for the socialists to have their own little paradise free from the horror of, at least, baby-lovers and two parent families that love God first.

    Then we can treat them like any other hostile entity that wants to do us harm instead of having to put up with them like bipolar relatives that won’t take their meds and making your life harder than it should be.

  16. I think his hair assumes the color of whutever jacket he’s wearing at the time…

    Just like the Ƙbamboozler studied Constitutional law, this putz studied finance like a General studies the enemy!

  17. Oh crap! I just realized that I was all turned around on the whole “cow” thing…… I thought she was suggesting doing away with (aborting?) cows like joy behar………… NOT those yummy MOO cows!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  18. REMEMBER: the people who claim that someone “hacked” this or
    that someone mistakenly put out a draft,
    are EXACTLY THE SAME PEOPLE who want to run all these programs making all these critical decisions in your life.

  19. Dadof4 I was just going to write that whole passage. Thank you.
    How do we get rid of cows and Airplanes?
    And how do we give “Economic security to all who are unable or unwilling to work.”? And then came this:
    “We don’t need to just stop doing the destructive things we are doing (like using fossil fuels for energy needs); we also nee to start doing new things (like overhauling whole industries or retrofitting all buildings to be energy efficient).”

    Nothing to it, no fucking problem Boss. Consider it done.

  20. All these fucking cunts and curs are a threat to our freedom. Mark my words. They have to be ridiculed, and harassed to oblivion. Start with CNN. Make Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, and the three matching cunts look like the fools they are. Knock ’em out, as Sheriff David Clark destroyed the faggot Don Lemon
    Great interview:Sheriff David Clark and Don Lemon youtube


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