The Ground Zero Mosque, Second Wave of 9/11 Attacks – IOTW Report

The Ground Zero Mosque, Second Wave of 9/11 Attacks

Geller Report: ‘Watch this groundbreaking documentary on how the infamous Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero was DEFEATED. is a groundbreaking documentary on the controversy over the planned Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero.’

7 Comments on The Ground Zero Mosque, Second Wave of 9/11 Attacks

  1. I am waiting for Joey Bigblusterblunder to include funding for this in the 3.5 trillion Human Waste and Infrastructure Bill. I’m sure it will help dampen some of the rampant Islamophobia that can be healed with a Ground Zero Mosque. I’ll bet that the businesslike and professional Talybon will come through with matching funds. Perhaps the smartest surviving son can help get the money raised.

  2. I’m up in Atlantic Beach , North Carolina for the Powerboat Races…Today , They

    had at least 150-200 Motorcycles, 20-30 Corvettes, 20 Jeeps.Cobras…Sh*t I don’t

    know…Police Escort up and down the Causeway…People lined up to Cheer Them

    on…Of course…My dumb ass after a 19 hour drive to get here…Forgot to take

    pics…Nothing but Flags and back the Blue Plus POW Flags…The cool part was

    that there were no MAGA/Trump Flags mixed in…although all of these People

    are MAGA Folks..They know to keep the Issues separate…Off to the Beach..

    It’s a weird place that You can watch the Sun set…Into the Atlantic.


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