The Grownups Who Love Us Day – IOTW Report

The Grownups Who Love Us Day

16 Comments on The Grownups Who Love Us Day

  1. I’d be tempted to photoshop a card of grown up Joe Biden sniffing some child’s panties. Then title it “I Love My Grown Up President”.
    Wrap that up and make sure the teacher got to see it.

  2. Ruth Bader Ginsburg thought Mothers and Fathers Days should be banned because they promote sexual stereotypes. She also thought the age of consent should be 12.

  3. I just learned today that kids being furries is a thing and it’s being encouraged and allowed by schools all across the country. They meow or bark and teachers pet them and in one school the furries are demanding litter boxes and this is an Oklahoma school. Some I guess dress up as dogs or cats, others just pretend to be dogs or cats, but they call themselves furries.

    Sometimes I want off this planet.

  4. @Wild Bill April 29, 2022 at 8:37 pm

    > She also thought the age of consent should be 12.

    What an anti-semitic canard!? And, from a judeo-christian, no less!?

    (The Notorious RGB never thought! She just knew!)

  5. Even when Pence was a Democrat before 1983, he used to mysteriously ask fellow Indiana Democrats, “Hoosier Daddy? Hoosier Daddy?”…Rumor has it that he had been continuously buggered by familiar-looking older men before becoming a Republican…and that was the reason he did not stand up against the Dem’s voter fraud during the 2020 election, i.e., for fear of Bugger retaliation.

    But, probably just a rumor.

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