The Gun Zone – IOTW Report

The Gun Zone

19 Comments on The Gun Zone

  1. There was a school shooter in Maryland this morning. He wounded two before an armed School Recourse Officer killed him in a gun fight. I imagine this story won’t even make the evening news.

  2. At the end of the day there’s a School Recourse Officer that’s going to spend a lot of time in therapy trying to cope with killing a 17 year old that got one too many participation trophies.

  3. B_B,
    Great Mills High School, St. Mary’s County, MD.
    I used to live in Mechanicsville, MD, and apparently, the forces of socialism and nihilism have infected them as well as most other jurisdictions in America. It’s a crying shame. It was a wonderful rural county when I moved there ~ 1976 and then the population exploded after Price George’s and Charles Counties turned into complete shit-holes.
    The whole country’s been on a descent into oblivion since Carter was “elected” with only brief respites.

    And I’m sure that most St. Mary-ians know how to shoot.
    At least they used to.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I left a message on the White House website asking them to do something about calif draconian gun laws. They replied that after review that was a state issue NOT a federal one! What? The 2nd Amendment is a state issue? We’re screwed. (Well at least I got an answer.)

  5. I suspect this is another false flag event conducted to keep the emotional iron red-hot regarding gun control.

    I see the ultimate outcome as being one of three scenarios:

    1. A shooting civil war due to the attempted confiscation of arms.
    2. Civil disobedience regarding the Antifa / High School activist pussies which might lead to a shooting civil war.
    3. Conservatives CONTINUE to hold their mud in the face of immense oppressive emotionally-based social pressure.

    I am amazed while observing how through all of this internal strife that people keep going on with their lives as if nothing is actually taking place to remove the liberty of Americans.

    Americans are continually being deceived; read Sun Tzu’s Art of War.

    These liberal cultural Marxist fucktards keep poking us in the chest without any consequence and eventually someone on the conservative side is going to snap.

    And that’s all the left-wing media will need.

    That’s a hint as to what establishment should be first to go when it all comes down.

    Satan, no doubt, was and is an emotional bitch.

    As an aside, Q listed 8 ‘booms’ last week in total. We are currently at 5 as of the FedEx explosion.

    Just my .02.

  6. “Agents of the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were traveling to the school to assist with the investigation”

    Why are the Feds getting involved in this shooting?


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