The Hackiest of Hacks – Callum Borchers of Wapo – IOTW Report

The Hackiest of Hacks – Callum Borchers of Wapo

Look at this dandy–>

A picture speaks a thousand words, but let’s add a hundred or so more, just for kicks.

Callum is your man (?)( I don’t want to assume gender) on the scene that is going to explain away Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One scandal.

The way Callum tells it, the entire issue depends on whether Hillary Clinton knew that the FBI was investigating Russia’s dirty business dealings when her state department okayed the sale of a Canadian uranium mining company based in The United States.

If she didn’t know about the investigation then she is whistle clean, even if she can be included in RUSSIA’S DIRTY BUSINESS DEALS!!!

How intentionally stupid is this hack willing to be? It has to be intentional, no?

How could Wapo’s commenters know more about this story than the Wapo “reporter”?

FTOP– Nice try Callum.

McCabe was over the case and his wife received $800k from Clinton PAC
Clinton met with Putin and got $500 grand
Guistra laundered the Russian money
Hillary whisked away the Russian spies in a half-baked swap before case could come to trial

There is $145mm reasons why you are wrong.

Jesse%20Hendricks– High school level reporting at best. Not mention in this article that Milkertev had broken racketeering and Rico Laws in his acquisitions and the FBI (Mueller) and the DOJ (Holder) we’re fully aware of because of one confidential informant “CS -1” who is in protective custody. Also not mentioned is Frank Giustra the owner of the Uranium One company that decided to sell to the Russian has been a long time board member with the Clinton’ Foundation. Bill Clinton had to make 2 separate request to the Obama administration to speak with Putin and other Russian ambassadors brokering the deal, John Podesta lobbying the CFIUS sign off on it. Shortly after the Clinton foundation received$145 million.

Tkorkin–  The Clintons brokered a deal to sell a significant stake of our uranium interests…  And they seemed to gain from it both from the foundation and Bill personally with a mega-payout for a speech. It’s mind boggling really that nobody asks any questions about it.

Callum has the answer to the idea of graft in his piece.

It is virtually impossible to view these donations as anything other than an attempt to curry favor with Clinton. Donations alone do not, however, prove that Clinton was actually influenced by money to vote in favor of the Uranium One sale — or to overlook the FBI investigation. Again, there is no evidence that she even knew about the investigation.

Similarly, it is virtually impossible to view foreign dignitaries’ habit of lodging at Trump’s Washington hotel as anything other than an attempt to curry favor with the president. Reservations and room service alone do not, however, prove that Trump’s foreign policy is actually influenced by money.

You see, Russians paying the going rate for a room and room service at a Trump hotel is exactly the same as getting $500,000 to yack for an hour in a roomful of people waiting for their coffee and donuts. Nothing to see here, says Callum.

This is “unbiased journalism.”


14 Comments on The Hackiest of Hacks – Callum Borchers of Wapo

  1. Has to be nepotism. What pair of inbred elite douchebags spawned this twit and bought him his job? A shining example of Ben Rhodes’ “27 year-old who knows nothing.” At least little Callow Felcher is getting school now.

  2. WTH? Is he conflating foreign dignitaries lodging at Trump properties v Uranium One, equivalent to complimentary shampoo/soap v 20% of our uranium?

    Yes… yes he is.. -bfh

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