The Harris Gaslighting is Ridiculous – IOTW Report

The Harris Gaslighting is Ridiculous

44 Comments on The Harris Gaslighting is Ridiculous

  1. Kamala Harris is now campaigning “No Tax On Tips”

    Monday morning quarterbacking but Trump should’ve never debated Biden so early.

    Now the Dems/Media can fix this election without it being so obvious if it were Biden running.

  2. Ultimately it comes down to Dominion (i.e. the comprehensive vote-counting machinery). No Dem can get more votes than Trump. But they can get more votes *counted* than Trump, just like last time.

  3. They see the manufactured poll numbers as the prop they can point to after they steal the election. IF we have an election. Right now I put that at 50/50. Global war looks more attractive to the evil ones than losing power.

  4. “Global war looks more attractive to the evil ones than losing power.” -Lowell

    “Earth to Putin. Come in Putin, over.”

    “This is Putin. Go ahead, over.”

    “10 Megatons at 10,000 feet, please. You know where.”

    “Roger, Earth! Out.”

  5. “Global war looks more attractive to the evil ones than losing power.”

    Global war keeps them in power. Remember, they want to reduce the world population to 500 million. Global war fits right in with that goal.

    So, yeah, whatever it takes as far as they’re concerned.

  6. “Global war looks more attractive to the evil ones than losing power.”

    True. But it’s more dynamic now. If Trump gets in these people will be prosecuted. Probably by military tribunals. WWIII would stop that.

  7. Ola Diogenes,
    I did not look.
    I just knew.

    It really is a good idea to keep track of those toe nails.
    I just had one almost get me about an hour or two ago.
    Still saying Thank You for my senses.

    I was walking barefoot across carpet.
    As my foot was coming done I felt the tiniest of pricks.
    Nothing painful, didn’t even imprint the skin.
    I wiggled my foot and could feel it was sharp.

    Looking down, I discovered one of my toenail clippings.
    It was now pointing straigh up after I moved it with the underside of my foot.

    Had it punctured the skin, it would have been in an extremely painful place. Probably get infected too, seeing as I walk a lot.

    So, let’s be careful out there.

  8. I recognized the image as fake from the instant I saw it. I was an imagery interpretation specialist for the USAF, but I don’t think anyone needs special training to see the fakery.

  9. Coup completed..Democrat leaders will reveal ever more tyranny the closer November comes..even if he wins the election, his inauguration date is a long wait and the Left will have to use force.

  10. “Democrat leaders will reveal ever more tyranny the closer November comes..even if he wins the election, …”


    When Trump was elected I thought things would be smoother immediately with a rational man in charge that wants nothing but good for the country. BUT noooo. The left went crazy ballistic and caused as much trouble as humanly possible.

    I expect no less this time around. It’s like they have even more permission to destroy because they’ll blame the right for their own actions. Crazy town, man.

    Satan is here and working hard at destruction no matter what we do in the mean time.

    Come to Jesus if you haven’t already. Things are not going to get better any time soon, no matter who the president is.

  11. Dr. Hambone, one easy giveaway for the lay person is there was only TWO signs in the whole crowd and one was perfectly positioned in front near the viewpoint. That screams fake right off the bat.

  12. This made me Look

    Beautiful cover too.
    Le chรขteau magique y abandonnรฉ.

    Tre bonne mon beins

  13. Fitting he’s using a unauthorized Celine Dion sung about a sinking ship cause all the latest polls say his ship is sinking faster then the Titanic. Jealous of her crowd draw, ah poor baby needs a bottle of warm milk & a diaper change. Come this Nov the only ones voting for this fool will be your fellow MAGAggots

  14. No idea what photographic reference was used in creating this โ€˜from anywhere crowdโ€™ but itโ€™s an artistโ€™s attempt at a realistic rendering.

    Not good at all.

  15. These open cheats, lies and fakes are characteristics of dangerous foes – Satan and his operatives, the Shadow government presidential candidates Harris/Walz. The only consequence they fear is losing control.
    That means everyone/everything is expendable according to the left. Without an intervention from God to save our Republic the US is toast.

  16. Dadof4, We’ve been iotwr readers/commenters a long time now. I knew Brad was goofing around. He’s being Brad, which I appreciate and enjoy.
    BTW, Deciding who brings what to a BBQ might depend on what is everyone’s specialty dish. I make great potato salad.

  17. Whoever did this didn’t even bother to put a reflection of people on the aircraft.
    Some young guy on youtube has a video claiming Trump crashed and burned for claiming this pic was fake.
    What a tool.

  18. Trump has a rally less than 100 tards show up. Kamala has one & thousands of true Americans show up. Face the music, time for gramps to be put out to pasture.
    Nothing worse than a loudmouth bullshittin ole-fart.

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