The Harris Team Think They Have a Winning Strategy – IOTW Report

The Harris Team Think They Have a Winning Strategy

A Harris Strategy May Boil Down to 3 Words

‘Prosecutor versus felon’


That’s their angle?

I’d immediately use AI and whip up a word salad in her voice-

“Prosecutors prosecute, whereas felons are felonious. Prosecutors are in the community. So are felons. But we take felons out of the community. The community is not for felons. Not at this time. We understand the needs and desires of the community, for we are the community. And so are the felons, at another time, in time, as we know time. Tomorrow is the day the felon will be in our today time.”

22 Comments on The Harris Team Think They Have a Winning Strategy

  1. Her record as a prosecutor is not an asset, it’s a liability. Hell Tulsi Gabbard damn near had her in tears during that debate. Tulsi told the truth and Kamala folded up her tent and went home.

  2. OR… will there actually be any debates between Trump and Harris? Could all of the drama this week be some kind of “strategy” to keep Harris from having to debate Trump??

  3. And we can’t underestimate the importance of the passage of Time. For the community, and for the felon. We’re having to think about the felon all the time. Meanwhile, the felon is taking his or her time. And we only have so much time to prosecute the felon. Time is not on our side so it’s important to use it correctly and not run out of it or the felon walks away having the time of his life. I see that I have used up my time and yield to my opponent.

  4. They handed Biden a resignation letter and while Luca Brazzi held a gun to his head my father assured him either his signature or his brains would be on the contract.

  5. Peeps, calm down…it will never be Kamalamadingdong….never…she is an abject idiot and only got where she is by DEI and BJ’s…..

    There is a grander plan here and we are on like act 3 of a 10 act performance….

  6. cameltoe won’t be the nominee.
    it’s hillary all the way.
    cankles not cackles boys.
    Hillary is so paranoid she will be the whole ticket. she can’t allow someone else any oxygen in the room with her. hillary potus and vice potus.

  7. “The community is not for felons. Not at this time.”

    “Please tell us, o wise democrat VP, when is the time to release felons into the community? You’ve done that so often and so easily in the past.”

  8. Ah, is that the best you got?
    Kackle Queen is beating him at the polls before she even started running. Da Republicons, what do we do,wee wee wee all the way home, back to mommie’s basement.

  9. “Ah, is that the best you got?
    Kackle Queen is beating him at the polls before she even started running. Da Republicons, what do we do,wee wee wee all the way home, back to mommie’s basement”

    Wow, latest national poll, Trump 62%, Head Job 38%. Stop listening to CNN moron.


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