The high priests of pop culture are panicking – IOTW Report

The high priests of pop culture are panicking

19 Comments on The high priests of pop culture are panicking

  1. What’s funny is that Kanye somehow instinctively knows something he doesn’t consciously understand. I hope this begins to provoke people to actually do the bedrock study to understand why he makes sense and not just take his word for it. Then we will see real change. I am encouraged and for now will take the win.

  2. Given what’s happened to other blacks that have gone off the reservation do you not think that West thought long and hard about that tweet? I don’t like the guy very much either but for the most part he’s no fool and he has a huge following. He may just break the intellectual logjam that has held the blacks back and in the sway of the liberals for decades.

  3. Well, Kanye – bow down in homage to the Black Caucus, mumble “resist we much” three times to race baiter Al Sharpton, and sing two stanzas of “Camptown Races” and we will let you back on the plantation.

    Minorities thinking for themselves – that’s just crazy talk.

  4. Kanye has crawled out of the vast crevasse of Kim’s crack. He has gotten his head out and sniffed fresh air for the first time in a long while. It has cleared his brain.

    All I can say is: Don’t go back there.

  5. I don’t trust celebrities’ stand on any political position. It could flip 180 degrees, depending
    on their latest fan polls. Stick to song and dance, Kanye – leave politics to the politicians.


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