The Hillary Defense – IOTW Report

The Hillary Defense

Other government employees facing prosecution for similar national security violations as former secretary of state and presumptive presidential candidate Hillary Clinton now have a new means to defend themselves.

Called the Hillary defense, lawyers representing the accused have declared that “I’m going to use it every chance I get, particularly in oral arguments. I’m going to bring it up over and over and over.”

“We have the Petraeus ceiling and the Clinton floor. We have a new standard as to what comprises intent with respect to criminal cases.”


So prosecutors in the future will have to prove the accused intended to give the nation’s secrets away, introducing a higher (and harder to prove) standard for these cases.

8 Comments on The Hillary Defense

  1. I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV – but EVERYONE should make it a point to destroy ANY and ALL evidence that may (or may not) impart some suspicion of criminality.
    And NEVER co-operate, OR LIE TO the FBI (or any other FedGov abomination) – give only name and SS# in response to EVERY question they ask, and EVERY comment they make. Lawyer up IMMEDIATELY. Maintain your composure, be civil, smile, and give them NOTHING. It is obvious from this Clinton abomination, that they only rely on SELF-INCRIMINATION and/or corroborative testimony. FACTS mean nothing, without corroboration.

    Leave no paper (electronic) trail and keep your fucking mouth shut!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, the black dude that just got shot in the arm, the list goes on. None of them had any intent, they didndu nuffin. Even after cops proven innocence, the narrative beats on; Hillary slipped herself into the action, she didndu nuffin. There’s not a single moral bone in her body to admit guilt on any level. It speaks loudly to what else she has done that no one is looking at when she trivializes treason as little miss innocence while likely committing bribery.

  3. Every criminal sitting in a federal prison today should file an immediate appeal, stating that they did not know they were committing a crime when they were caught. The new standard is that we have to know that the person intended to commit a crime. Tell me how you prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    I’ve watched enough lawyer shows to know the old line, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.” I guess just plain ignorance is. At least that works for Hillary.

  4. Eventually this woman will face a court where she will not be able to influence the outcome. And her sentence will involve severity that is beyond our comprehension.

    Scripture tells us (Ez. 33:11) that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

    However, I will enjoy the shit out of watching her burn. I only hope there are lawn chairs and popcorn in Heaven.

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