The HillsMedRecords Twitter Account Is Back Up With Purportedly Imaging of Hillary’s Brain – IOTW Report

The HillsMedRecords Twitter Account Is Back Up With Purportedly Imaging of Hillary’s Brain

Fact? Fiction?

The fact that the account is back means something, no?

30 Comments on The HillsMedRecords Twitter Account Is Back Up With Purportedly Imaging of Hillary’s Brain

  1. I knew it when I saw she plagiarized the Martian Commander speech from Mars Attacks.
    She has an Alien implant.
    David Eich was right
    I need me some Rowdy Roddy Sunglasses
    I’m about out of Bubble Gum.

  2. I just checked mine and the eyes do not look anything like that. Also the eye balls are not visible in the same slices as that little butterfly part of the brain. Different depth.
    And most of the shots are top down views and side views. Where are those views?

    I call BS on this one. The DNC is phishing.

  3. Did anyone read the letter posted on that Twitter account, supposedly from her doctor? If this is true, it is a bombshell. How can we find out if it is true?

    “early-onset Subcortical Vascular Dementia.” Jeez.

  4. I see what you are saying now about the angle, BFH. You could get the eyes and the back of the head in the same shot with the right angle. I guess my mri shots were taken more perpendicular.

    And it seems that butterfly shaped part of the brain gets larger in cases of Alzheimer’s disease. No telling what Hillary’s diagnosis is, but I’ll bet it includes batshit crazy.

  5. Teddy Kennedy got Al’s Heimer Disease from drinking too much.

    However, in this case, I think the answer to Hillary’s problem lies in what Huma said in 2014, “I fcuked her brains out last weekend and she’ll never be the same again.”

  6. OK so was Hillary’s naming of finding a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease as one of the corner stones of her potential Presidency during her DNC acceptance speech -actually a fruedian slip up and plea to help (herself)?

  7. Back in 2008 Putin remarked about U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton — a leading Democratic candidate for president — when one reporter quoted her as saying that former KGB officers have no soul –
    Putin: “At a minimum, a head of state should have a head,”

  8. Another fake Leftist op, intended to be discredited, to deflate/distract from the real seizures, spazzing and fallings down…”Bah, these lies about her health have already been dealt with. Remember those fake MRIs?”

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