The ‘Hobbits’ Plan to Take Over the GOP – IOTW Report

The ‘Hobbits’ Plan to Take Over the GOP

Merry Pippin Fighting

from The BULLPEN by Struan

Did you know that the Republican Party is only at half strength?

“Half strength.” What does that mean? It means that in your voting precinct, where you live, the Republican Party only has, probably, one-half of the local, precinct-level, voting member slots of the Party filled with a warm body. These slots are called “precinct committeeman” in most states. And the reason conservatives have been pretty much impotent when it comes to having a voice “inside” the BEST political tool for defeating the Democrats – the Republican Party – is because not enough conservatives are “in” the Republican Party where it matters: in the local precinct committeeman positions. [snip]

Precinct committeemen ARE the Party because they elect, directly or indirectly, ALL of the Party “leaders;” that is, the local committee officers, the county officers, the state officers and the 168 Republican Party National Committee members, who in turn elect the National Committee officers, including the Chairman.

If the word ever gets out that conservatives can actually take over the Republican Party by becoming precinct committeemen, the current members of the RNC, including the likes of Reince Priebus, are “toast” in the next round of Party officer elections. That’s why they will never breathe a word of this to you.  [snip]

Why do the presidential election “debates” continue to be run by the non-profit debate commission that the RNC foolishly entered into years ago? Because the RNC, made up mostly of moderates, is afraid of real debates.

Want to change this, dear conservative reader?

Read the article here

6 Comments on The ‘Hobbits’ Plan to Take Over the GOP

  1. No wonder why ordinary people get involved; not because they want to but because it is necessary. Still, it’ll take more than that culturally to really make an impact toward conservatism.

  2. I’m glad you posted this. I had mentioned this article in another thread. I’m checking to see if there is a Republican precinct committeeman in my precinct, and if there isn’t, I’m going to run for it. A few years ago, I was inspired by Adam Andrzejewski (check out the website, and see who’s getting your tax dollars) to run for a small elected office. His point was to get conservatives in as many offices as possible. Running for Republican precinct committeeman takes the idea to the next level: out voting the establishment so that true conservatives get on the ballot. I hope others here will considering running, too.

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