The Hoggs Create “Arm Bands” For Their Political Movement – IOTW Report

The Hoggs Create “Arm Bands” For Their Political Movement

Firstly, I have to say that I’m not all that interested in the point of view of a pencil-necked kid who can’t fill out a wristband on his bicep, let alone an armband.

And secondly, I’m not interested in the point of view of snot-nosed kids who don’t know enough that armbands are not good optics for a political movement.

This is what it would look like if a Jew starved by the Nazis (who confiscated firearms before the rest of their plans were enacted) were to take one of their armbands and put it on.

THIS is who society is looking toward to make policy? Are you kidding?

MinuteMenMilitia says:

We have to cut the kids a little slack on account of their ignorance. They lack experience and perspective to understand the complexities of issues and their actions. This is also why it’s silly to let them dictate American gun policy.

Reader “Lurker” sent this in a couple of days ago.

It was never more apropos. It’s a ten second clip from High Noon. Absolutely right on target—

ht/ bad brad

45 Comments on The Hoggs Create “Arm Bands” For Their Political Movement

  1. Is that a power thing with Pajama Boy? Didn’t the Nazi’s wear arm bands? Pajama Boy is the gun Nazi. His father carries a gun so, he’s just like the Mooche, “only for me but not for thee.”

  2. There’s something physically wrong with that kid. Either they don’t feed him or he has a tape worm the size of an anaconda shoved up his axx. He is malnourished. Some one should call Child Protective Services.
    It’s being reported today that busy body rich guy Socialist, Tom Steyer is financing these juvenile delinquents.

  3. Favorite color: green (you know why)
    Favorite holiday: May 1st
    Favorite song: Tomorrow Belongs to Me

    These kids and their handlers are skirting the line between amusing and slightly scary.

  4. Zhytamyr, that reminds me of an eerie Twilight Zone episode, Deaths-Head Revisited…


    There is an answer to the doctor’s question. All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwalds, the Auschwitzes – all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers. Something to dwell on and to remember, not only in the Twilight Zone but wherever men walk God’s Earth.

  5. Now he needs to grow a short rectangular mustache under that beak for the next step in his transition to an angry totalitarian bent on having his way and destroying his political and social enemies.

    Maybe after that, he and his cohorts can get some snappy matching brown shirts and march around in unison to make their point. Then, when do they go (justly!) rioting on half the nation to disarm them all and drive them out of business and the country, they’ll be able to tell who’s on their side.

    Yo, La Bamba! You’re actually on the wrong side of history, you underdeveloped myopic moron.

    (I think my 13 y.o. grand daughter can take him easy, but that’s not fair, she has great eye-hand-foot co-ordination with muscles from years of sports behind her)

  6. Jeez you guys made me go back and look closer at his shirt. Check out where that huge shirt pocket rides. It’s almost in the middle of his manly chest. This guy could get a job cleaning out rain gutters. Just drop him in and see if he comes out the other side.

  7. @Moe, that’s Boss Hogg’s fault. Can’t fit a tie and shirt also.

    Boss Hogg: “And square that back and shoulders, boy! This photo is going national!”

    Little Hogg: “F-you dad, I’m the one with the blue check mark, loser!”

  8. @ spankyspal March 11, 2018 at 6:00 pm

    Well, I think I see some easy memes in the near future from this arm band screw-up.

    I’d flip one of them horizontally and see if that enhanced the connection of similarity. Have the same cheek forward.

  9. @ Meerkat
    haha. Well. I only see some of his videos once in a while when they cross my path. Don’t follow him. I probably heard it and didn’t care.

    I find his anti-trumpism odd and see it as a sign of a deeper flaw. Not interested much past what news he helps create when red/black/brown shirts protest him somewhere. He seems perfectly likeable to me and way more sane than my most-lefty friend. Would gladly trade them.

    But the anti-trumpism is weird to me so he’s easy to not check out regularly.

  10. It’s cringy that it’s so obvious he never dressed like this before. It says so much about this event without saying a word.

    The whole look is manufactured. Hastily, I might add. Even the perma-scowl.

  11. The kid and the sheriff are members of the (((tribe))); make no mistake, they are all about subverting those who are not members of the (((tribe))).

    Sorry, ban me, but there it is; calling a spade a spade. Eff your discomfort.

  12. Perhaps the promising little up and coming rocket scientologist should spend some quality time south of the border where citizens are not allowed to arm themselves? And no, daddy cannot bring his icky, scary gun!

  13. Someday, these kids will wake up and see just how used they are, by the demoncRATS. Progressive pimps are always willing to use children, the downtrodden or anyone they can. Then they discard the leftover husks, like the blacks are finally realizing.

  14. This boy is obviously being used to bring forth the deep state’s political agenda of gun confiscation his parents should be ashamed that their son is being used like that.

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