The Hottest Selling Jersey In the NFL – IOTW Report

The Hottest Selling Jersey In the NFL

Sales of Pittsburgh Steelers Alejandro Villanueva jerseys were outselling all the biggest names in the NFL last night including, Marshawn Lynch, David Carr, Carson Wentz, and even Arron Rogers.

The only member of his team to come out of the locker room for the national anthem, Alejandro Villanueva demonstrated yesterday that personal principles are stronger than forced team compliance.







52 Comments on The Hottest Selling Jersey In the NFL

  1. Apparently one of these kneeling games was in London. Trump should’ve called the embassy in London and had their passports revoked on the spot. Leave the losers stranded.

  2. Skarew ‘Professional’ sports.
    When I want to see a coddled millionaire whine about oppression and racism, I will make a million dollars and whine about my own miserable lot in life.

  3. It’s quite telling that this respectable player took heat from the head coach for this, implying that it is mandatory for his team to disrespect the flag.

    Count me as one of those who tuned out long ago; college football rules!

  4. The NFL media industry touched the dreaded “3rd Rail” of political protests. No matter the cause, you don’t mess with the National Anthem & the Flag. Only fringe nutjobs do such stupid things, not multi-billion dollar corporations.

    Hopefully this will sanitize the progressive movement within the NFL. By the time this is over, they will be afraid to even wear pink.

    Now if only we can get them to play the National Anthem at the Academy Awards…

  5. Cliche Guevara: Wearing an NFL jersey is free advertising. The best approach is to cut them off financially, which would be better served by curtailing any display of their logo

  6. Bunch of snowflakes you people are…so upset about players kneeling during the anthem. For the millionth time, they are not protesting the flag. They are instead asking their country to do better (and don’t pretend you don’t know what the problem is). And — it’s working as everybody is talking about it. Conversations are happening. This is what happens in a democracy.

    And you know what, in most of the NFL markets the stadiums are still selling out. And lots of present and former Armed services folks are saying they respect the protests- that they fought for these freedom so that the people can ultimately live in a “free country”. It’s not hard to understand.

    @ axewielder – Their passports revoked? For freedom of speech? (1st) Peaceful assembly? (1st) Are you an America hater? (must be)

    Do you not know anything of the history and ideals of this country?

    And your dear leader is a multiple time draft dodger (heel spurs..lame) – what does that say about all of you who support him?

  7. Iateyourpineapple

    If they wanted to do something positive thy should go back to the black community and see if they can figure out how TO KEEP A DAMN FATHER FIGURE IN THE HOME. And so don’t YOU pretend you don’t know what the problem is. MORON.

  8. Hey Pineapple Head: nobody is saying the players don’t have a right to express themselves. We’re saying that doing it on their ‘work’ time is not the time to do it. Nobody wants to be force fed a political statement before a football game. Respect the fans, respect the country and respect the game itself.

    As for what they are actually protesting I’d bet that most of them don’t even know. Yesterday was more a protest against Trump than anything else.

  9. Not so fast guys.
    Seems this guy doesn’t have the courage of his convictions.
    He has been drowning in white-guilt ever since he did this and now he has his head so far up Steelers coach Mike Tomlin’s ass that the jersey is now brown.

    I would bitch slap the pussy, given the chance, no way buy his faggot jersey.

  10. late your pineapple

    A protest only has significance if it comes with consequences and draws attention. Using the national anthem to make some undefined statement of what is wrong with the nation only becomes important if those watching react and if the person make the statement faces some consequence.

    President Trump asked his audience if they thought those players should be fired. He is the C-in-C for the nation, he should believe that the national anthem is to be respected.

    The players on the other hand face no consequence for kneeling other than alienating themselves from most of the public who agree with the president. They aren’t being fired but instead statements of support are being showered upon them by the NFL.

    This form of “raising awareness” fails therefore on both accounts. The majority watching are turning away from the NFL and disliking the players who proclaim the loudest their rights that they are not being denied and are suffering no repercussions.

    It only servers as yet one more line to divide the self righteous left from the rest of the nation. Those on the left should be telling the players “thanks, but enough already” but the opportunity to virtue signal some unclear objective is just too irresistible, so I hope they also fully embrace their isolation from the rest of the country when we all turn our backs in disgust at them and remember these antics when it comes time to pick adults to be in charge of our government.

  11. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! You people……BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! You thought….hahahahah…you thought one of the …..hahahahahahah one of the NFL players wasn’t a f*cking faggot? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

    Oh mercy….. let me know who the next “hero” is so I can laugh at his gay ass too.

  12. BOYCOTT!!!!! … BOYCOTT! BOYCOTT! …. NO jersey purchases! NONE! … no Bumper Stickers, no License Plate holders, no ticket sales, no parking fees, no concessions, no souvenir cups, seat cushions, stupid ‘towels’, no wall hangings, no mugs, no t-shirts, no personalized chairs, no pennants, no flags, no stupid foam fingers
    NOTHING!!!!! …. get a job, you ungrateful criminals!
    … goes for you to, ya fascist Goodell … & your lackey Tomlin

  13. @badbrad – not all, but a lot of these players give back time and money to communities that very much need it. This is well established and documented. Even better, others do it in a very low-key manner and little is said about it. Even Colin K has donated money and given his time to help struggling communities/people.

    As for the father figure statement – that’s quite off topic (but, yes, it’s a huge problem). But the topic is police brutality and racial injustice, which is prevalent in lots of areas of this country (and it’s gotten worse since DT entered the WH). Many people of color have been profiled (and worse) just because they are in wrong place at wrong time – or because there’s a crooked cop out for no good. Most cops are decent and upstanding people and protect the public the right way, but all you need is some nuts and things will explode (as they have). And add on to all of that… very rarely is justice served. Pretty simple to see where the black community sees issue in that. What better way to put this issue front and center than a peaceful protest – otherwise nothing will be done and discussions and issues wont be had and nothing will improve.

    DT isn’t making anything better with his childish spouting off (a distraction from russia no doubt) — and he clearly doesn’t know the basic principles of this country (most of us a long time ago knew he didn’t have a clue). But he sure is one helluva distraction guru and knows how to rile up his rabid, uneducated base. And I’m sure the draft dodger will continue to say demeaning things about McCain. Yeah, that’s going to win him over with voters..

    @ Dr Tar — that’s a good comment and there’s truth in it.
    However most of the public didnt vote for DT and many who did have since jumped ship. Most people do not believe the President is in the right here… especially with his comments recently. A draft dodger preaching to us about respecting our country — haha, please don’t humor me so well.

  14. Pineapple head.

    ” not all, but a lot of these players give back time and money to communities that very much need it.”

    The arrest rate of Black Athletes is off the charts. I can link proof here if you want. Black Athletes should be examples of success to our young people. That’s not the case. Their are exceptions. Great people. Great Americans. Including Mike Tyson. A Rabid Trump supporter.

    “As for the father figure statement – that’s quite off topic”

    Absolutely, if you don’t give a fuck about results. Your not facing reality. Give it a try.

    Fucking funny really, “Off Topic” I thought the topic was how do we help the black community. Was that not the topic shit for brains? Tell me “Logically” where I went wrong. Other than typing something libtards won’t admit.

  15. Pineapple head.
    “However most of the public didnt vote for DT”

    Your’re fucking loony tunes. Eliminate non citizens and Trump won by a land slide. Bottom line, he won. Fuck off, I’m getting board.

  16. @badbrad – hahaha – you are a miserable, dumb dingbat. Non-citizens can’t vote. First graders know this. And we know Russia had a lot to do with this election. The truth will come out soon. If there was nothing to it, it would have been squelched a long time ago. Have fun!
    And Mike Tyson? — that guy with a tattoo across his face? Nice to see where your head is at.

    Let’s cut to the chase – it was never about the flag or the country. The crank portion of the RW is now bitching about the whole Cowboys team tonight kneeling BEFORE the anthem (they didn’t kneel during it). Ya’ll trumpsters just want to keep black people in their place (seems a good number of them have a pretty nice place now, don’t they? It’s very obvious. Even well meaning republicans (not trumptards) are saying and alluding to this.

    @aaron burr – We know Trump was referring to black people when he said fire that s.o.b. After all, Who are the ones leading the peaceful protests??

    I’m out – I’m also quite “board”. Not a decent comment out of this except for dr tar’s somewhat intelligent attempt.

    PS, still nothing to say (not even one of you) about your lord draft dodger. Very telling. Bigly!


  17. “Non-citizens can’t vote. ”

    And that’s the problem Einstein. They did. They carried SoCal for Hitlary. Every week there’s new on the magnitude of the illegal vote. You need to prove citizenship to buy a gun, not so much to vote. Like I say, you seem to be fairly un informed. Kinda boring.

  18. Pineapple….you’re a racist. You hate black people while beating off to hentai porn. That’s the only explanation. Go ahead. Run away with your tail tucked under your bedsheet.

  19. I still would be interested in what this pineapple guy thinks of the fraud that is “hands up, don’t shoot”. Does he really believe mike brown was peacefully walking home after terrorizing a small business owner and was trying to apologize and give himself up when he was shot by a racist policeman?

  20. Yes, I need to be lectured on the First Amendment by pituitary giants who required tutors in order to pass 5th Grade reading in their 4th year of college.

    Goodell can bite me, he is a loser CEO of a league of gangstas.

  21. It’s called twitter you fuggin’ lil’ bitches. Man up. Grow a pair. The actual culture war ain’t fought here. It’s also nasty so stock up on cookies.

    For more information on hentai porn and the racist socialists who beat off to it, please consult your local library.

  22. When a sentence starts with: “We know Trump was…”

    You’re putting your own shit in there. OH! You know the REAL truth! HAhaha. Yeah, and Weiner’s phone was hacked by conservatives to set him up.

    Disregarding actual reality and casting everyone as you see fit so your fantasy is real to you. Paranoids do it all the time. This applies to the chants, bigly “No Trump. No KKK…” Dude. Trump is for the people – just not the Communist people trying to destroy the country.

    This applies to the “Russia thing”, too. The reality is that if there were anything to it, it would be out in the open already. Ya got it completely backwards. Dems will fall if Mueller is honest at his job. Obama did the most illegal activity in regards to Russians and the elections. Unmasking innocent American citizens for political sabotage is criminal. Around 300 times in 2016 for the election. When normal is just a few times a year when it’s done for honest reasons.

    Psychotic. No discourse can be had with someone so dishonest that they lie to themselves to get worked up.

    Then you have the IRS abuse for political reasons. Border agents dying from their effort to attack the second amendment by letting Mexican drug cartels buy weapons the gun stores were refusing to sell to. Pay-to-play by Hillary to enrich herself. Hil’s blatant criminal activity while she was SoS. Before that crime, abandoned Benghazi because their running guns to Syria and that getting exposed was worth losing American lives for in their eyes.

    O should have the nickname “Stand Down President” just for that crime.

    Most of these establishment politicians need to be lined against a wall and shot for treason. Dems and Reps.

    Dems like Pineapple are the rot of the crop of humanity.

    There are dozens and dozens of offenses the Dems and Reps have committed against the people of America – and you hang your hat on a falsely generated story about Russia. One that should bust Obama if done honestly.

    Look in the mirror and repeat this until you get it: WHAT. A. CLUELESS. LOSER.

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