The Howl of the Idiot Has Ruined Modern Day Comedy For Me – IOTW Report

The Howl of the Idiot Has Ruined Modern Day Comedy For Me

Watch a classic comedy bit from the 1960s and you will hear audiences reacting in the proper human way – with laughter.

Fits of laughter. Laughter with tears. Holding the belly laughter. That’s what humans do.

There’s a particular sound that you’ll hear nowadays,  that is not at all a human response to something that is funny.

It’s the sound of an a$$hole. It’s the “call of the imbecile.” It’s a symptom of how stupid our society has become.

It goes like this – “OWWWWwwwwwooo.”

This sound made by a guy (or girl, the girls are doing it too)  is made by someone I can easily push off a cliff and not for one second feel like we lost a productive member of society.

The sound actually makes my eye twitch.

If I isolate that sound and dub it into a black and white kinescope of a comedy bit by, I dunno, Alan King, you’d sit bolt upright in your chair and believe you just heard a time traveler. A dumb, stupid time traveler.

What does this sound mean?

The sound means the person didn’t, for one second, get the joke, because if they did they would do what moderately intelligent people do. They would laugh. They wouldn’t howl like a drunk with a mullet. (I am positive they have a mullet. I’m pretty sure it’s the mullet that enables one to make that sound.)

Laughter is hard to fake. Try it. That’s why there is howling.

The idiot sees smarter people laughing all around him, and now they feel obliged to contribute, but fake laughter is unconvincing and exhausting.  So, all their pea brains can muster up is an “OWWWWWwwwwooo.”

I hear this and I want to go over to them and twist their collar into a knot as I hold them close enough for them to feel my spittle as I demand, “explain that last joke. Explain that last joke, you howling friggin’ moron.”

But, of course I don’t do that.

I rant in a blog post.

Ladies. You go on a first date with a guy to a comedy club. A comedian delivers a great line and the place erupts in laughter. Your date goes, “OWWWWwwwwwoooo.”

Please tell me it’s at that moment you decide this person is unbangable.

It’s the only way we are going to have natural selection kill this off.

rant off/




35 Comments on The Howl of the Idiot Has Ruined Modern Day Comedy For Me

  1. I’m off the comedy grid, as what passes these days for comedy is either snarky leftist politics or pure gutter humor.
    Haven’t heard this sound that I’m aware of. Can you provide an example? Sorry. Maybe I’m just being dense.

  2. I am trying to think of the laugh or howl that BFH is referring to.
    Here is a clip from a classic episode of the Newlywed game. You can
    hear one man’s loud laughter in the audience, but I don’t think it’s the howl that BFH is talking about.

    No, that is cackling. A very normal response to something funny.
    The noise I’m referring to is the same noise a drunken retard will make when he sees a girl with big hooters. It’s not a noise one would make when something is funny.-bfh

  3. Comedy? You want real comedy?

    Red Skelton, George Carlin, Cheech n’Chong – that’s 3 generations of actual funny!

    Freddy Freeloader — Clem Kadidelhopper

    Fat Albert – Any other album that built us up

    Dave?…Dave?… and Sister Mary Elephant.

  4. Dumb British comedies; The I.T. Crowd, Father Ted, My Hero all make me laugh out loud.
    Last Man Standing’s first year or two when he was bashing obumma. Not many of the old sitcoms hold up very well at all.

  5. Why am I reminded of The Howl Of The Wolf movie advertisement from Firesign Theaters album How Can You be In 2 Places At Once When You’re Not Anywhere At All. You know the one that had the Marx Brothers on the front cover, Karl and John Lennon. I miss great humor like this like Stan Freberg, Jack Benny, Peter Sellers, Red Skelton, Jonathan Winters in It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad World especially when he was punking Phil Silvers and tore up that gas station in the middle of the California desert etc. etc.

  6. That sound they make is at all gatherings and it drives me nuts, graduations, weddings, school plays anywhere there should be a modicum of decorum some yokel has to whoop like he just saw a nekkid woman.

  7. I have a DVD set of Red Skelton shows that two churches (men who had by-pass surgery) benefited from handing around.

    We then developed a group of post heart-attack/bypass guys who met at the church each week and watched one comedy show classic (from Winters/Skelton/ Benny and others. We called ourselves the “Skeleton Crew.”

    I have used tons of comedy (including sitcoms from the 60’s/70’s to illustrate Biblical Worldview)

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