If this administration doesn’t cause the start of a new civil war we only have ourselves to blame.
Should we expect anything other than lies and hypocrisy from the left and their press at this point?
I ditched that idea long ago.
And Joetato is pissed because we aren’t happy we got 8000 dollars that duh gubbmen extorted from us.
She says the wall is ineffective and uses a section of the wall that is bollard fencing that Trump didn’t build as an example of how it’s ineffective. Well no shit bollards are ineffective, bollard fencing is not a wall. Illegals aren’t crossing in their cars, they walk thru the bollards. Man, they really think we are stupid don’t they.
You go, girl. “Build the danged fence”.
Oops, gotta go. Satan needs his hooves filed.
Leftists who have never actually done anything and have nothing but theories always find out their stupid theories don’t work in real life.
Then pretend they never said it.
These people are dumb because the puppet masters need dumb people as puppets.
Kari Lake is going to be the next Governor of AZ. She’s promised if elected the first thing she’ll do is finish the wall. Maybe the demons are hurrying to finish it in case she wins then they can say she broke her promise about finishing the wall? Wouldn’t put nothing past them.
Winson Smith is falling down on the job! That old stuff should have been put in the memory hole months ago.
Biden’s spokeshole – what did you expect?
@Beachmom July 30, 2022 at 8:10 am
> These people are dumb because the puppet masters need dumb people as puppets.
That darn internet thing.
If this administration doesn’t cause the start of a new civil war we only have ourselves to blame.
Should we expect anything other than lies and hypocrisy from the left and their press at this point?
I ditched that idea long ago.
And Joetato is pissed because we aren’t happy we got 8000 dollars that duh gubbmen extorted from us.
She says the wall is ineffective and uses a section of the wall that is bollard fencing that Trump didn’t build as an example of how it’s ineffective. Well no shit bollards are ineffective, bollard fencing is not a wall. Illegals aren’t crossing in their cars, they walk thru the bollards. Man, they really think we are stupid don’t they.
You go, girl. “Build the danged fence”.
Oops, gotta go. Satan needs his hooves filed.
Leftists who have never actually done anything and have nothing but theories always find out their stupid theories don’t work in real life.
Then pretend they never said it.
These people are dumb because the puppet masters need dumb people as puppets.
Kari Lake is going to be the next Governor of AZ. She’s promised if elected the first thing she’ll do is finish the wall. Maybe the demons are hurrying to finish it in case she wins then they can say she broke her promise about finishing the wall? Wouldn’t put nothing past them.
Winson Smith is falling down on the job! That old stuff should have been put in the memory hole months ago.
Biden’s spokeshole – what did you expect?
@Beachmom July 30, 2022 at 8:10 am
> These people are dumb because the puppet masters need dumb people as puppets.