The Idea of Valedictorians is Hurtful – IOTW Report

The Idea of Valedictorians is Hurtful

It’s hurtful to have a top scholar. Think how it makes everyone else feel?

NY Post

At many American high schools, the graduation-day tradition of crowning a valedictorian is becoming a thing of the past.

The ranking of students from No. 1 on down, based on grade-point averages, has been fading steadily for about the past decade. In its place are honors that recognize everyone who scores at a certain threshold — using Latin honors, for example. This year, one school in Tennessee had 48 valedictorians.

About half of schools no longer report class rank, according to the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Administrators worry about the college prospects of students separated by large differences in class rank despite small differences in their GPAs, and view rankings as obsolete in an era of high expectations for every student, association spokesman Bob Farrace said. There are also concerns about intense, potentially unhealthy competition and students letting worries about rank drive their course selections.


13 Comments on The Idea of Valedictorians is Hurtful

  1. all according to plan …. dumb them down to the level of sheep … much, much easier to control … all you need is a (law)dog to herd them
    … just a step into making them all batteries to power the system … once the battery is used up, it is unplugged … such simple efficiency

  2. Communism is getting stronger all the time. We used to celebrate hard work and achievement. Take your children out of these cesspools. Is it any wonder so many people are home schooling?

  3. At our daughters academy, the are several different types
    of awards so that all students get at least one. They do still
    award the top students in each academic specialty like math,
    reading, etc. I’m not worried about grades so much at 1st grade,
    but I am worried about the academic development at that age to
    ensure they don’t fall behind like kids whose parents don’t give
    a shit. We see that all of the time out here. You can also tell
    the kids that don’t speak english at home as some of them really
    suck at spoken engrish.

  4. In today’s schools with unlimited ‘do-overs’ and extra credit for attendance, any kid that doesn’t graduate with a 4.5 GPA on a 4 pt scale, just isn’t trying.

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