The Idiocy of the High-IQ Ben Shapiro – IOTW Report

The Idiocy of the High-IQ Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro has sent out a warning to the lesser minds- don’t get fooled by Kanye West’s recent tweets that seem to have him awakening to conservative ideas.

Ben from his pulpit-

“When someone is rich we somehow grant them a halo effect… the credibility of believing they are good at everything.”

“If someone is super-wealthy or super-beautiful we assume they are worth listening to on politics.”

Ben sounds defensive and paranoid, and is, ironically, losing his credibility.

Does Ben think conservatives are looking to Kanye West and waiting on tweets to show us “the path”? We are already conservatives.

No, we are observing Kanye, in what could be his conservative embryonic stage. He’s embracing some conservative fundamentals and we are very interested in watching where this could lead. Isn’t this what conservatives want, a crack in the leftist armor and a fighting chance to have our philosophy explored by minorities? We’ve talked about this for decades. It’s what Breitbart lived for.

A report just came out that support for Trump doubled among black men since the last poll was ta….

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  I see what’s going on here. 

Ben, you really do suck.

Check out the end of this video where Ben makes fun of Kanye’s intellect, as if to say, “you need not apply,” just as he’s walking towards the tent.

What a jerk.

34 Comments on The Idiocy of the High-IQ Ben Shapiro

  1. The sniffing condescension is astonishing.

    While I didn’t quickly scramble to follow Kanye on Twitter, it isn’t because I think he’s too stupid to be part of the club. I’m just not much of a joiner.

    You’re right, Fur. This could be a watershed moment — a cultural shift whose shockwaves are felt across the country. I’m not saying it is. But it sure as hell could shape up that way.

    Just as Trump’s candidacy was a watershed moment …. Ohhhh, yeah. Ben didn’t like that either, now did he?

  2. Ben and his ilk were as horrified by Trump rising in the polls amongst blacks as progressives were.
    They are nipping this in the bud because the last thing Ben wants is Trump reelected.
    They have other plans.

  3. I don’t know how many of you guys visit Twitchy. But I do occasionally. And I’m beginning to sense a reinvigorated Never Trump fervor over there. Did they get new staff? They’re pretty nasty to die-hard Trump supporters like Diamond and Silk or Paul Joseph Watson. And their posts about the Ben Shapiro/Alex Jones spat yesterday were extremely condescending to anyone who disagreed with Shapiro — including Candace Owens. Plus, I’ve noticed they clearly favor posting tweets from nominal Trump supporters, Never Trumpers and the like. It seems the only time they feature a tweet from a die-hard Trump supporter is to point and laugh at them.

    Twitchy has definitely gotten nastier over the last few months.

  4. Yes Fur, I believe they do…
    However: “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men Gang aft agley”
    And I do believe that the Dirt People get a say in things regardless of what the Cloud People might think…

  5. I really used to enjoy Ben’s stuff. It’s not like I’ve been listening before the election either, but it sounds like he has started taking himself much too seriously. What a pity.

    I think Kanye has mediocre brains, but thinks he is much smarter. I think he values his individualality, and I respect him for that. He is a also an entrepreneur. So basically I think as should embrace him with open arms, regardless of what his intentions are.

  6. POTUS Trump is encouraging people like West to dig deeper and hang out more often with “his peeps”. I don’t think it takes a really big brain to figure out Shapiro and his cohort. Freud said sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes (most times) a #NT is a #NT. They’ll do anything to defeat our president. I’m once burned, twice shy about anyone who EVER denigrated Trump or his peeps. If they didn’t get him then, they’ll have a hard time ever understanding him — what drives him, what makes him successful, and they’ll never really trust him.

  7. I don’t think Shapiro or Kanye are as smart as they think they are ….(neither am I).

    I suspect Kanye has the ability to bring more young black and hispanic voters to the GOP Polls than Shapiro’s ability to drive them away.

  8. I rarely link Twitchy because I hate the decades-old way of writing they employ with the BOOMS
    Truth Bombs
    Kooky Pants
    Awesome Sauce headlines.
    It reads like a high school booster page.

  9. Yeah, Politibunny does work for Twitchy now. And I suspect she’s behind the new dynamic I’m feeling.

    You’re right, Fur. They make the Chicks on the Right seem like National Review by comparison. No offense to Chicks on the Right, but they tend toward the Valley Girl Teenspeak a bit too.

  10. Kudos to Ben, must admit,,, a great debater. When civil conversation could be a debate. The internet, feign journalists like The Hill, Huffpo, WaPO, Politico, and the MSM being paid for brainwash for money, well, that’s what’s we are,,

  11. My thoughts on Shapiro are obviously pained because I really do admire his ability to debate, store facts, score some devastating knockout blows with one or two lines. He’s very formidable and very good at what he does.

    And then there’s special Ben…

  12. On the eve of the release of three political prisoners from NoKo, that Obama couldn’t get released, Helium Boys big sister, the sweaty thumb writes an article titled “We Can Do Better”. Guess what that’s about.Mean while little Ben occasionally still refers to DJT as a Turd Tornado. I’m curious if idiots like these two and others came up with this business model for revenue or they really believe the crap they say and write.
    Mean while last week Rudy was saying what a great guy Mueller is and he expects to have the witch hunt shut down in a week or two. Now he realizes the witch hunt is weaponized and is calling for Trump to shut it down. Not a peep out of House Leadership, or Sessions. I question the wisdom of trying to disenfranchise 60,000,000 armed voters.
    That money the DNC is demanding from the Clinton Foundation should be used to pay back the tax payers for this F’ed up circus, that they started by the way. I need a Xanax.

  13. I am glad to see Kanye beginning to embrace conservatism. I am still adopting a little bit of a wait-and-see attitude because I know he’s into self-promotion, and this could be just another manifestation of that. (I don’t think it is, and I hope not).

    There is no reason for Ben Shapiro to hammer Kanye for anything. Instead he should be (quietly) happy for this. I think it gets Bens goat that DJT is what drew this out of Kanye. Ben’s NT is so strong he can’t give credit where credit is due to DJT starting to make changes.

  14. I watched that Shapiro clip, what exactly did he say that was wrong? I don’t get all the vitriol exhibited here.

    Kanye decides to think for himself and not buy into the group think, good for him, and Shapiro acknowledges as much. But don’t expect him to turn into the next Thomas Sowell, which apparently many of you are doing. If Kanye has an epiphany and turns conservative, great, but the little baby steps he has done so far is light years away from that.

    Shapiro is trying to temper the enthusiasm with a reality check and gave you many of Kanya’s past tweets to sober you up. Of course Ben would be thrilled that more blacks are deciding to think for themselves and want more from their leaders, to think otherwise is petty.

    Yes, Ben is not a huge Trump fan, so what? Neither was I although I did vote for him. When Trump does something conservative like I praise him for it, when he does something stupid, I slam him, this is what all conservatives should do. Cult of personality has no place in politics, we should judge people by what they do and not who they are.

    Shapiro, through his podcasts, books and appearances on TV and college campuses has done more to further the conservative cause and increase the number of it’s followers then a handful of blogs.

    BFH, I still think you are great and do God’s work, but you erred on this one.

  15. How many times have we seen The Head Fake? An entertainer or celebrity Head Fakes to Trump, conservatives, etc. and everybody jumps on their bandwagon and says “I’ll consider buying their music or see their movie” and so on.

    Then, they’ll almost immediately turn around after catching the lowest scoville rating of heat and disavow everything they just said. See Shania Twain, Chance The Rapper….Joy Villa, anyone? That’s just been the last two months.

    Yes, it’s important to have celebrities fighting the culture war too.

    Ben still needs to hit the gym and have his voice go through puberty. If sitting on a stage after a 6 ft tall tranny threatens to assault you and you’re not confident enough to tell that little lady to watch her mouth or you’re going to take her Barbie dolls away. That is a wake up call.

  16. Ben is a leftist thinking conservative. If you don’t bow to his superior intellect and conservatism then you are ridiculed and spurned by him and his devote followers.

  17. If Kanye inspires even a few leftists to rethink their stance, or encourages more POC to come out of the closet as conservative, he can make a difference, and we can use all the help we can get. I don’t follow him, would never listen to his music, but if he’s opening a discussion that may bring more people over to the light, then preach it, Brother Kanye.

    I’m not saying Ben Shapiro would have preferred North Korea to nuke us to “make Trump look bad,” but I really don’t think he would have minded as long as the bomb fell on someone besides him. (Of course, he is a pretty tiny target.) And it’s too bad because although I can’t stand to listen to his voice, I have read a fair amount of his writing over the years. Not so much anymore.

    And while I’m on the NT rant, Politibunny gets on my last nerve most of the time. Never mind what the president accomplishes. He’s just so … so Trumpy! 😛

  18. Ben is correct about the halo effect. I’m sure many of us have seen it plenty at sites like Breitbart and dare I say even here. Anyone that is assumed to be a lefty that states anything marginally righty is suddenly a savant in the comment section. Ben is also correct that many conservatives reflexively grasp at validation from someone popular when core beliefs should be easy to explain and refute opposition.

    What Ben doesn’t understand is that this phenomena occurs because of people like himself in the marketplace of ideas. There is no lefty version of Ben Shapiro and Ben Shapiro does not stand alone. As a result, conservatives face constant criticism from without and from within. Doubtless, I will catch some form of kimchee from the last paragraph and therein lies my evidence.

    We reflexively disagree because our side is the home of independent thought. However, we need to grow an appreciation for sensing when it is time to circle the wagons.


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