The Idiocy of the Julie Swetnik Claims – IOTW Report

The Idiocy of the Julie Swetnik Claims

There are plenty of people out there coming up with great points, but they must be reiterated. Let’s gather them here.

Add insights in the comments.

-Swetnik says she witnessed boys lined up to pull trains on girls who were drugged. She didn’t call the police. No one called the police.

-Swetnik says she went to several of these parties. After witnessing gang rapes she continued to go the parties?

-Swetnik says she was eventually gang-raped. But, for some reason, she isn’t going after the people who gang-raped her, she is going after Kavanaugh, who “was present” at the party.

-Swetnik claims this happened at “Beach Week.” It just so happens that Kavanaugh released a calendar showing that he attended Beach Week and wasn’t in town when Ford said her assault occurred. Convenient.

-Much of what Swetnik is claiming seems to be taken right from a book written by Mark Judge.

-Swetnik is 2+ years older than Kavanaugh. She graduated 3 years before Kavanaugh and would have been in college when Kavanaugh was 16. College girls don’t go to high school parties. They JUST DON’T.


38 Comments on The Idiocy of the Julie Swetnik Claims

  1. She also didn’t think too much of her fellow female compatriots if she saw them being raped by a ‘train’ of men multiple times and did nothing.

    The irony of all of this, Kavanaugh is being accused of being at the party, not even being the raper. In Europe you have actual Muslim migrants violently gang raping young women and underage girls all over the EU and how many of those cases are dismissed or treated extremely leniently because they just don’t understand our western culture. But here we have the Dems trying to destroy a man simply because he was at an ‘alleged’ party where something happened that he may not even have participated?!

  2. Many guys had sisters that would go to parties.
    Who the fuck would allow their sister to be raped?

    Plus, countless young men would NEVER put up with that kind of shit going on.
    Even if they were drunk too.
    If this was going on in a house, EVERYONE would know it.

  3. She attended 10 of these parties before she was a “guest of honor”? Really? She was in college when she attended these parties? She hired a creepy porn lawyer to represent her?
    Totally believable… doubt in my mind at all! Give her a six figure book advance so she can tell us all about it! [sarcasm off]

  4. I have gone 20 pages deep in Google searches and can’t find this woman anywhere.

    A name popped up on Intelius and LinkedIn but she has assiduously avoided ever being mentioned anywhere. Which is odd.

    None of this makes sense. She swears under penalty of perjury that Kavanaugh’s friend knows more than she does, that he drank to excess when legally able and that he danced with girls.

    She doesn’t say he raped anyone but that he knows it was going on and did nothing. Making him as guilty as her I guess?

    Vote. Dems are going to hold Avenatti underage erotic fanfiction every news cycle complete with boohooing MSNBC anchors until this is over.

    Vote. Now.

  5. The more people who know a thing, the harder it is to keep that thing a secret. Swetnik claims she was gang raped, so I am assuming there were at least three, and probably more involved in that gang rape. Kavanaugh and Judge were supposedly at that party but didn’t rape anyone, so now we are up to five. It was a party, so probably there were at least a half dozen or more other party goers present. We are now over 10 people and probably far more. Finally, Swetnik apparently claims there was more than one party where this occurred; granted some of the same people may attend different parties, but it’s safe to assume there were dozens of people who knew of these nefarious activities.

    All of these people kept this a secret for over 30 years? No one reported a gang rape to anyone? Including multiple women who are more likely to kiss and tell than men? Even the best investigative agency in the world, the FBI, didn’t catch a whiff of these activities and since Kavanaugh is a Trump appointee, you can bet someone in the FBI would have leaked this information from a background check. Maybe, this being the early 1980s, Swetnik was a willing participant in this supposed gang rape.

    Why would Swetnik go to the Creepy Porn Lawyer instead of a member of Congress or the authorities? Instead of another FBI investigation, Swetnik and Creepy Porn Lawyer should answer these questions first.

  6. I got so disgusted this morning I put down my mouse stepped away. Made a batch of bread rising now. At least I have something to show for today other and angst. All the women are lying.

  7. Two things. First why go to sleazy lawyer with this unless she want money somehow?

    Second there are more than one beach that kids went to for beach week. There are Bethany and Dewey or VA beach. Get records of gang rapes reported from all of them.

    Lived in OC MD at that time and never heard of a single one.

  8. Check the boys’ yearbooks. If gang rapes were a regular weekend party activity they would at least have some kind of snarky reference to all the girls or being train conductors. Boys that age can’t keep their mouths shut.
    Like others have pointed out, she is complicit if she knew and didn’t report it and stop her friends from being raped.
    This is such nonsense.

  9. This is more common than you might think. In my school it was the upperclass girls doing it: they’d throw parties at their rich parents’ houses where they’d tie boys to the bed and have their way with them one after another. I myself was victimized repeatedly all through my sophomore, junior, and senior years.

  10. when i was in high scrool i was so ignorant of these things. A rube. A nerd. But when i was in my 20’s i heard many reports of trains being pulled. Huh? Whats that? She screwed how many? OMG.

    Those stories were everywhere and everybody knew who they were. So, there must be dozens of participants and witnesses. Should be ez pee z to confirm.

    As Bugs Bunny said…

    Overture, curtain, lights
    This is it, we’ll hit the heights
    And oh what heights we’ll hit
    On with the show this is it

    Tonight what heights we’ll hit
    On with the show this is it

    But i never saw girls dating younger guys. HS seniors didnt hang with juniors nor juniors with sophs.

  11. I think these drug and alcohol addled girls have mixed things up these last thirty years. Yes they attended wild parties, got stoned and got laid but the problem is the parties they attended sound more like Kennedy parties or Cosby parties than Kavanaugh parties. Simple case of too many lost brain cells.

  12. Since there are no wittnesses, evidence, police reports. Porn Lawyer is going to start a go fund me page for to cover the cost of the “Re-Enactment” which will be produced, directed and starred in by his other client Stormy Daniels.

  13. Is her photo for real or is it one of those stock photos you see inside a picture frame before you buy it at the store?

    Did she go to 10 parties each time thinking, “this time will be different.” Was there peer pressure to attend these “rape train” parties? It was the 80’s, just say no!


  14. I’m with the commenter above, the next step for the unhinged lunatic libturds will be bestiality accusations.

    And after that, a charge that might actually get him disqualified: BK had sex with Hillary Clinton!

  15. If Swetnik had claimed that this had just happened once or maybe twice, there might be some people stupid enough to believe this tall tale of teenaged excess. But ten parties where girls were gang banged (to give this activity its proper nomenclature) by a bunch of kids at houses where no cops were ever called by concerned kids or neighbors or parents is completely unbelievable. If any of this had actually happened, dozens of people would have already been interviewed by the FBI when Kavanaugh got his first Federal job in the George W. Bush Administration. Hopefully, this will be seen as a transparent character assassination by a mentally deranged woman of ill repute.

  16. First accuser says he was a clueless doofus that couldn’t figure out how to get her clothes off. Just feelz.
    Second one says he wiggled the weenie in her face, but still too stupid to figure out how to use it.
    Third says he was accomplished regular on the gang bang circuit.
    Each accusation is a degree of magnitude sleazier.
    Was the guy an honorary Kennedy or something?

  17. According to WaPo, her father (who hasn’t seen her in a decade) says she never went to college.

    She seems to imply she did. “Heavy” says she has a degree in astrophysics and computer science from University of Maryland. (She got an undergrad degree in astrophysics….?)

    There is nothing about men/husbands in her life or children. Still her maiden (as it were) name.

    Her job history is sketchy: usually two years or less at each low-level job.

    I have undergone a security clearance investigation and, yep, the FBI checks all your references and asks, “What do you know that Lady in Red would not want us to know?” and, then, “Who might have some troubling information about her?”

    I would think this sexual history would subject Julie to possible blackmail, unless…..? ….she got a “special” security clearance? wink-wink. “friends with benefits?”

    I can’t imagine Kavanaugh’s six clearance investigations would not have unearthed this. BUT, unlike Blasey-Ford’s accusation, this story has legs, something the FBI can dig into. They should. ….Lady in Red

  18. I grew up in-between Chevy Chase and Gaithersburg Maryland. I am the same age as Swetnik. She is said to be a graduate of Gaithersburg HS.
    I partied all over that area during that time and attended some outrageous keggers and field parties, yet NEVER heard of gang rapes going on.
    I can tell you that those two towns are too far apart for her to commonly see Kavanaugh at multiple parties. There are probably 12 high schools in between these two areas. Parties were almost always attended by kids from one school only, and rarely were there attendies from the next school over. Also, private school kids rarely partied with public school kids – they were two totally separate cultures.

  19. Unfortunately, Republican women are moved by emotion, not facts.

    They most likely will CAVE due to threats and media pressure, and tears, and emotion, and political mailers.

    I have no confidence in Republicans doing the right thing.

  20. @Jethro Must agree, in that time, only knew or heard of parties by word of mouth, never planned, just was happening. Did things go on than, sure, but not planned and just having a good time was the point. I agree with you sincerely! Please do not be offended but that is one real creepy icon,,, Be well


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