The Importance of Being Kernest – IOTW Report

The Importance of Being Kernest

Kerning is the art of letter spacing. Be careful out there.



11 Comments on The Importance of Being Kernest

  1. LOL! Years long ago in graphic design class in college (when we set type using a phototypesetting machine) our instructors warned us to watch out for those kind of typos. Brings back great memories of being a starving art student.

  2. I’m an ex-typographer. It irks me that the letter combination “VA,” which is the beginning of my last name, kerns horribly unless you fiddle a lot with the spacing.

  3. We need a new phrase for the pen is so we don’t keep making the mistake of writing penis. Maybe it should be the writing implement is, that way there would be no confusion except for the idiots who wouldn’t know what a writing implement is. Ah, let’s just keep it the way it is, it’s funnier that way, sort of like the word therapist/ the rapist. Or the baseball player Mike Sweeney/Mike’s weenie. You just gotta love juvenile humor.

  4. Just think how much fun you could have with the phrase the fountain pen is. In any other language other than English we probably wouldn’t have as much confusion or fun with the way words are joined together. Let your imagination go wild and imagine all the possibilities of playing with words to have fun and explain things.

  5. lol just saw this, in a pop-up:

    “Because it’s a liquid it’s fast acting and easy to take. Fall asleep peacefully and get high- quality, restorative sleep with Sleep Spray”

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