The Inauguration of Donald J. Trump- Live Streaming – IOTW Report

The Inauguration of Donald J. Trump- Live Streaming



254 Comments on The Inauguration of Donald J. Trump- Live Streaming

  1. Dear God, Please bless this inauguration day and keep all those attending the event safe.
    Bless President Trump and Vice-President Pence as they begin the work to bring the country back to prosperity and more. This country that You have so blessed in the past needs Your blessing all the more now.
    In Jesus Name,

  2. Snowball, such a lovely prayer <3

    Moe Tom, Krauthammer said earlier (I'm catching up on news clips) that the protesters have no agenda except anarchy, and they will just blow out of town when it gets too cold.

  3. I watched Bernie Goldberg tonight on O’Reilly twisting himself into an illogical pretzel to explain that John Lewis, the Civil rights ICON, was a man of PRINCIPLE. Who got his scull cracked by Alabama State Police, yadda, yadda, yadda. Bernie never mentioned that Lewis was also a lying, racist, worthless POS, who did nothing for
    the people on his PLANTATION, but feathered his own nest and continually disrupted congressional hearings, while insulting every Republican he encountered. Phuck you Bernie. Tell it like it is, like you used to.

  4. Tommy, Me and the Irish one watched that too. She says “what the heck is this guy trying to say”? She never cusses, u less it’s at me. I replied “He’s a weak sister piece of shit trying to stay relevant, and he just failed.” Her report, “Why do you need to be so ruff and judgmental on people you don’t know”. I give up.

  5. Thanks Snowballs.

    This one I looked up and will post.

    Invocation by Rev. Donn Moomaw, Bel Air Presbyterian Church:
    Gracious God our Father, we need you today maybe as never before. We have not lived up to our personal or national potential. We have seen our world from our own selfish parochial point of view. We have lived as though everything depended upon us. We confess our sin and seek your forgiveness. In this historic moment we would pray for our President-elect Ronald Reagan. We also pray for Vice President-elect George Bush, the cabinet and all others who are in positions of leadership in this new administration, may they measure well the shortness of time and the length of eternity. May they see all people and things and nations from your point of view. We thank you, o, God for the release of the hostages and for all those who have made this moment possible. And so in this moment of new beginnings our hearts beat with a cadence of pride in our country and hope in its future. Help us to stand proudly as American citizens and face every challenge with a confidence born of your spirit and humbly touched by your love and grace. So to this end we commit ourselves to this end. We pray in the name of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, even Jesus Christ. Amen.”
    Benediction by Rev. Donn Moomaw, Bel Air Presbyterian Church:
    “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace, both now and forever more. Amen”
    From the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Foundation

  6. Pence is using Reagan’s Bible and verse, which is

    “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” — 2 Chronicles 7:14

    It’s hard for me to get past the words, “my people” and all that these words convey. They always amaze me.

  7. Brad that’s funny because I and the Italian one were watching it together and I blurted out “what the fuck is that asshole trying to say”? And she said “why do you have to be so vulgar, he’s just giving his opinion”?
    And I said..oh, ah, shit I don’t know what I said. But it’s after 3am and I’m in my man cave havin’ a pop.
    Happy Inauguration Day. Let’s Make America Great Again.

  8. I just realized something: Trump will be president while Alaska eats breakfast tomorrow. East Coast has to wait for lunch.

    Being cold called by banks at 4:00 a.m. all these years finally has a magical tradeoff.

  9. So giddy I can hardly hold a thought in my head. Celebrating with Idaho (can’t get Russian because of obama) white sturgeon caviar and a great old bottle of Perriet Jouet, starting at 6:00 a.m. and no end to the party!! I’m going to be so sick of winning!!

  10. The pre inaugural celebration yesterday was so wonderful my wife and I were deeply moved and once again proud to be Americans. So looking forward to today’s inauguration with the hopes of a new and brighter future for our children and grandchildren. Our prayers are with Donald Trump and the men and women surrounding him.


    So long, you skinner puke!

    I hope I never see Michael’s ugly mug ever again!

    It’s like gold dust
    Ya hear me coming through your speakers
    You see me mashin’ up your air waves
    I know you can’t get enough of my sound!

  12. When the Trumps arrived at the WH for the pre-inauguration tea reception–there was the shot of the 4 of them. Then they turned around to walk in–I had to laugh out loud because Obama stepped behind Michele so there wouldn’t be a picture of her large butt next to Melania’s very small one published!!!! Melania looks truly lovely BTW.

  13. I’ve waited and prayed for this day. It seems like 0bama has been in our White House forever, and seeing the Capitol draped in flags, set up for his leaving and President Trump’s swearing in, brings tears to my eyes. May God guide him in bringing our country back from the abyss of 0bama’s hell.

    I’m so grateful to have found a haven of like-minded people to help endure the last eight years, I just can’t tell you. We did it. Big League. xo

  14. I don’t know who the whiny twat “reporter” is talking on Fox News right now, but she’s blabbering on about how Republicans need to work with the Democrats or they’ll lose seats in the mid-term elections…BARF!

    Does this b!tch remember “Elections have consequences. I won”?!?
    F*CK YOU, A§$H*LE.

  15. I listen to Rush on WSB750. If a garbage truck goes down an embankment, they will break away from Rush for an hour to cover it live. If Obama is–was–blathering about anything, they woukd break away from Rush to cover it. Looks like they’re between a rock and a hard place today.

  16. Good idea, Merry; Fox idiots are repeatedly using phrases like “no one thought Trump had a chance” and “let’s get back to the show”…WHAT DISRESPECT (spelled correctly)!!!

  17. is hillary the hack and her rapist beard showing up?
    and while watching this, i tell myself that all of these elected people with front row seats are exempt from obamacare.

  18. I hope President Donald J. Trump’s (OMG how great that sounds!) team is going to thoroughly de-bug the WH. And I don’t mean insects, though there’s that, too. I wouldn’t be surprised at the Little Marxist bugging the WH.

  19. Its been a long hard fight to get here, and here we are, we the people won, and our man Donald J. Trump will lead us out of the long nightmare.
    A big thank you to the whole crew at iOTW and all of the fine people here that have made the last few years bearable.

  20. Melanie looks beautiful. I am sick and tired of seeing summer and cocktail dresses being worn at the wrong seasons and wrong time.

    If I never see the Obamas again I will die happy

  21. What a magnificent day! God’s grace and mercy in action. Trump will be a righteous president.
    The crowds are chanting “USA” and beside themselves with joy.
    The unhinged left couldn’t stop what is meant to be – a peaceful transition of power. Go Trump! MAGA.

  22. FYI-
    Today’s BFH lunch is courtesy of Eugenia, who made a late night contribution.
    I’m having MOJO pork sandwich with Swiss and Spicy Mustard, a cod filet, and a Frostie’s Ginger Beer.
    Alcoholic beverages later will be courtesy of Conservative Cowgirl.

  23. We will now see the bias of the media.
    Melania is by far the best looking first lady in the history of the United States.
    Will she make any “hottest women on the planet” lists, like Michelle did?
    Doubt it.

  24. Mooch aka Sassie has her hair pulled back again. It’s her “angry black woman, nod to Islam” hairdo. She looks like she’s at a furneral. Barry hasn’t stopped talking as always. Melania is beautiful but why is she wearing blue?

    The crowd is going wild shouting “Trump” in front of Barry! LOL! Could this day get any better.

  25. Aside my own family, my IOTWREPORT family has been THE MOST instrumental in getting me through the last eight years. I love you all and I look forward to hanging out with everyone here for the next enjoyable EIGHT years.



  26. I’m celebrating after work with a bottle of Spanish cava and firing up the smoker to smoke some chunky Speckled Trout fillets that I caught last Sunday at Slidell. Loves me some Smoked Fish Dip and Stone Ground Crackers.

    I’m taking lunch early at 1100 so I can livestream President Donald trump’s Inauguration.

  27. after a quick scan here, IMO our friend CDV said it best. All of us stalwarts here are part of the reason why our country has real HOPE for constructive CHANGE for at least the next four years. We kept the faith, we fought the fight daily – here and in our workplaces and amongst our brainwashed LoFo friends.

  28. And Justice Roberts, don’t screw up the swearing-in again. I don’t want to hear CNN speculate about some weird five minute window where Obama could stay president forever.

  29. Running out of juice and the new charger won’t be here for a couple of days. Thanks to all here that kept me sane for the last 8 years. Also to MOTUS and Breitbart. I can’t believe this day finally came. MAGA!

  30. have any of the leftist media channels done a split-screen yet to simultaneously show the leftist anarchist fascist rioters masquerading as protests?

  31. I beleive him, I always have. That’s why we will be great again. The doubters will gain from the success he will bring too – and the petty in me wishes it weren’t so 😉

  32. “Clintons arrive to attend Inauguration….”

    Better bolt down all the furniture and knickknacks otherwise they be stealin’ all of dat shit

  33. I liked Rabbi Hier and I admire Rev Franklin Graham. Great speakers.

    God, please intervene and make sure no Filthy Mohammedan Savage fucks up our day by making an appearance or speech.

  34. Great watching the Obamas and Clintons sitting there having to listen to that great speech! LMAO. The NBC feed crying about how that speech plays to the populists but not so much a unifier. I thought Trump’s speech was plenty about unity. Well the unity of the American people. I guess if you leave out leftist and RINO politicians, that means your a divider at NBC.

  35. Okay . . . that’s enough . . . I had to turn it off when Jackie Evancho started “singing” if that’s what you want to call it. Worse singer since Celine Dion. And that’s saying something.

  36. aww shit, fuck Yahoo News

    Katie “Cant Understand Normal Thinking” Couric is calling his speech “hyperbolic”, “belligerent”, etc.

    Now she has Talking Heads nitpicking his speech. Fuck them all.

  37. After eight long years I can finally say that I am proud of my country. I can finally say that our nation’s President is MY President. He truly represents us all and works for us all.

    All you Washington grifters, hucksters, scam artists and bamboozlers better STFU and GTFO

  38. Charles K. “…Trump was a third party candidate”.
    Yep, the Deplorable Party elected him, the bitter clingers.
    I get a thrill up my leg every time I hear “former president O’Baja”.

  39. ABC is airing former Petulant in Chief attempting to out do Pres. Trump’s awesome speech as he apeaks, again to his staff. Barry is truly a sicko narcissist. ABC finally lost interest in Barry and in laser focused on Barry’s legacy of horror being signed away by Mr. Trump LOL! I thought this day couldn’t get any better!
    NBC is picking up the conversation at the signing. The leftist media trying to trip up Mr. Trump.

  40. Jimmy Carter was REALLY enjoying himself! He has had the cross of “The Worst President Ever” lifted off his shoulders as Barack now carries it. I LOVED the sweet JUSTICE (get it?) of Clarence Thomas standing right next to that prick who tried derail his nomination, Joe Biden before he swore in VICE PRESIDENT Pence. 🤣🇺🇸🤣🇺🇸🤣🇺🇸🤣🇺🇸🙏🏻🥃🍷🍸🍾🍻🍪🎸🏄‍♀️

  41. Neil Cavuto of FooxUp newz said “Trumps speech was long on promises, short on detail.
    He is now in the Horses Azz Club. His remarks bear the same weight as Katie Crapic.

  42. Sounds like bullshit, but the Sun came out, just after Pres. Trump took the Oath of Office, for the first time in 10 days.

    Yeah … I know … it’s reminiscent of the Cult of Personality surrounding the One Who Shall Not Be Named, but it’s a fact.

    izlamo delenda est …

  43. Tim JANUARY 20, 2017 AT 1:34 PM
    “Sounds like bullshit, but the Sun came out, just after Pres. Trump took the Oath of Office, for the first time in 10 days.”

    Same here in my little piece of Wa. Only for a few minutes but it was bright.

    Miss Conduct JANUARY 20, 2017 AT 1:38 PM
    “Rush is talking about the climate change web pages going down. Hallelujah!”

    Whitehats tuning up? lol

  44. Got a vintage 6-year Aged Macanudo I’m going out on the back porch to enjoy.

    God Bless America!
    God Bless President Trump!
    God Bless iotwReport!

    Thanks to everybody for hanging on to America, believing in America, and refusing to allow the totalitarians another win.

    izlamo delenda est …

  45. Giddy as heck! Every time I wonder what I would have been feeling if Clinton had won,I mumble a heartfelt prayer of thanks to the Lord for saving us from that evil one. As Scrooge said: “I have no right to be this happy, but I can’t help,I just can’t help it.” Praise be to God!

  46. I wish I had been able to hang out here today. I did check in here and at a few other sites just to keep up. From some of these comments I’ve scanned, I missed some pretty funny stuff. I’ll come back to this thread over the weekend and read them all.

    I feel like we’ve been through war together and there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.

    I feel like Lazlo with the whole “primal yawp” thing. 🙂

  47. Once again the President is an employee of the American people. We are no longer the unwilling payers and serfs to a corrupt party and regime.

    Thanks BFH for the massive amount of work you do.

    Went to our Thai place tonight. The family that owns it is thrilled to the core that Trump got elected. All worked long, hard and honestly to get their US citizenship this past summer. All are looking forward to keeping more of their own money in their pockets.

  48. I watched the swearing in ceremony on FOX (on mute), listened to it with Rush. It was delightful. I watched the whole parade at home with the Mrs. Moe. I have to admit I haven’t seen an Inaugural Parade since January 20 2005 and it was a thrill. I loved the VietNam era choppers, the parade of tractors, and, of course, the NYPD Pipe Band. It was a lovely parade even though over 90 skells were arrested. Our new First Family? Top shelf. Baron Trump seemed to have liked the tractors also. We have a young working fella here. Bless him.
    BTW. Congrats to y’all at IOTW REPORT on your eight anniversary
    Great job, and thank you.

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