The Incredible Blackness of Being – IOTW Report

The Incredible Blackness of Being

24 Comments on The Incredible Blackness of Being

  1. I don’t care what the %uck she is.
    In 1977 at Princeton she said “I
    will use the laws of the land against
    America to bring in Islam”.Her parents
    were “fellow traveler” hang outs with Leslie
    Ann Dunhams parents.You can’t make this stuff up…

  2. I pointed this out in an earlier thread. She’s supposed to be a proud Persian Muslima.

    If Jarrett is “black”, then my saintly Irish grandmother from County Cork is just as “black”.

    I’ve lived in Africa. Any genuine bona fide Negro would laugh at these white skinned Americans pretending to be “black”.
    And always only to game the system for undeserved perks and unearned advantages.

    No offense to folks of mixed heritage. But there comes a point, when once these folks’ overall DNA becomes overwhelmingly white, it’s beyond ridiculous to keep pretending they are Kunta Kente, just off the slave ship from Africa.

    just kidnapped from your village

  3. @toby miles:

    she is an iranian anchor baby

    She was born in Iran of American parents. How can she be an anchor baby?

    Oh, wait, you mean she should claim Iranian citizenship! I apologize for my initial misunderstanding.

  4. @ Uncle al:
    “How can she be an anchor baby?”

    I’ve been making that statement on some other, less open minded boards. The usual reply is- ‘she can’t be an iranian anchor baby, because her parents are not iranian.’ They take it as an offense, rather than a statement of fact. Anyway, I try to get them to argue that just because she was born there, doesn’t make her iranian. Then I bring up ‘anchor babies’ in our country, and ask what is the difference.
    Anyway, she’s iranian by birth, and she exudes evil

  5. The convenience of deception. Victimhood works best when the so-called victim is “perceived” as black. A tactic the left created and overuse to decieve black plantation dwellers and make progressives feel superior.
    Val “The Reptile” Jarrett, a white Persian (who consider themselves white) is a scary marxist opportunist.

  6. Maybe she’ll clear things up in her book. She inked a deal last Summer, so it should be out real soon. If there’s nothing delaying it. I know that right now, there’s a lot of writer’s block among former regime members. Although some others have verbal diarrhea now. We’ll see if ValJar jots or squats.

  7. “Her parents are both African-American. On the television series Finding Your Roots, DNA testing indicated that Jarrett is of 49% European, 46% African, and 5% Native American descent. Among her European roots, she was found to have French and Scottish ancestry.[5] One of her maternal great-grandfathers, Robert Robinson Taylor, was the first accredited African-American architect, and the first African-American student enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[6]” Wikipedia.

    I still don’t know what the heck she really is made of, but for convenience, I’ll just call her a mongrel.

  8. WIKIPEDIA, the ultimate authority on everything in the universe!

    And as Len O’Conner ended one of his news broadcasts with, “And I’m the Easter Bunny.”

    Been using that line for many decades…
    He always ended his segment with “And I am Len O’Conner.”
    One night he sang the praises of some politician for the whole segment (can’t remember who) and then ended with the Easter Bunny line…

  9. I saw that Val Jarrett, “Finding Your Roots” episode. The host is the leftist actvist prof. who caused the ridiculous Obama Beer Summit and Obama’s asinine assessment that, “… the cop acted stupidly”. Not buying the DNA report because Gates is a major fan of Jarrett. Would not put it past him to falsified the results.


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