The Insane “Defund The Police Movement” Tries To Defend Itself – IOTW Report

The Insane “Defund The Police Movement” Tries To Defend Itself

Who you gonna call?

30 Comments on The Insane “Defund The Police Movement” Tries To Defend Itself

  1. …Ilhan Omar expects you will call the Shari’a patrols they already have set up, and shift police funds to THEM.

    Just like in her native Somalia, where they SO got rid of the police that they needed the U.S. Marines to deliver lunch.

    And this guy pretending to be a woman is going to make it POSSIBLE for homo-hating Muslims to take over for the police.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  2. Police unions brought much of this on themselves. Even a cursory examination of Chauvin’s complaint record screams that he had no business still being a cop. He was a ticking time bomb and yet he still had a job arresting people. Now to be fair, not sure if the agency wanted to get rid of him before and the union saved his job, or the PD was so infected to begin with, that keeping troubled out of control cops on board was just the norm.

    But as with most liberal blather, it is all knee jerk reactionism that never comes to fruition.

  3. I guess when I stop and consider the dynamics of this mess, I’m more afraid of the cops showing up in an MRap to illegally confiscate my weapons than I am an intruder. The intruders dead if he shows up, if the cops show up I probably am.
    I am a fan of demilitarizing the police.

  4. joe6pak

    A great point and part of the problem. I’m convince Obutthead did his best to turn some of these departments into Fed Gov storm troopers. Who showed up at the Bundy ranch when shit started getting real? LA Swat, San Diego Swat. Not Las Vegas Swat. Not good.

  5. It’s weird but I’ve seen a drastic change in LE over the years. Maybe it started after Rodney King but it definitely shifted after Ferguson, and not for the better.

    I’ve been watching several Yankee Marshal video’s on youtube of late, trying to figure out what 10mm handgun I’m going to buy, and I came across this just yesterday;

    I don’t agree with everything but he is more right than wrong. Hiring practices, training, ethics (or lack thereof) even the caliber of new recruits, more want to now kick ass and take names than actually helping people. We really are on our own and must now look to ourselves for protection.

  6. Rich Taylor

    I have several LEO buddies that have retired in the last two years. Several took early retirement just to get out. (Mainly because California changed when they could resort to the use of deadly force to protect themselves) Everyone of them complains about the new recruits.

  7. A nutball cop pulled wife and myself over 30 years ago.
    She was driving and he gave her a hard time over having minor issue of high beams on on the freaking beltway.
    She wanted to argue. I could see he was nuts and told her
    so and not to argue cause he was crazy and looking for trouble. She mentioned his craziness to her police colonel
    cousin on the same force. He said there was no way to get him canned once hired. A year later he shot a cop from PA
    with 00 buckshot during a large police training exercise
    where only blank ammo was to be used.
    THEN they fired him.

  8. If the “Defund the Police” movement gets no traction for the time being, the idea has been planted in liberals’ rotten minds. It will fester there and erupt into a stronger movement that may get its way eventually.

  9. Brad, aside from the obvious, “Not available in California” disclaimer attached (I’m in Solano County), is any handgun worth 4 grand?

    I was looking at the Glock 20, and the Springfield XDM, but still exploring my options.

  10. Rich Taylor

    Do you shop at Cordelia or A.S.P.? Sorry, didn’t realize you are in Cali. I’d love to pick up a Delta Elite. Even though I really don’t have any use for a 10mm. I own one Glock. My EDC a G19. I love it. The rest are 1911’s and wheel guns. I have an SP-01 on order. I plan on shooting some matches with.

  11. Brad, I haven’t been to any gun stores of late because they all either got burgled, broken into, or damaged due to the brainless protests. So far just researched online.

    I carried the S&W 40 Cal for years (CHP) and got used to it so I thought the 10 would just be a natural extension of that, but I’m not thrilled about the cost of ammo. I might just go with a 9mm for expediency and costs sake.

    As an aside, many years ago I bought a S&W Model 586, first edition, serial # something like AAA 035, didn’t shoot it much, more for collection but it still resides in the bedroom nightstand.

  12. Rich Taylor

    The price of ammo is definitely worth considering. And availability in times like these. I shoot every week. I can always seem to find 9 mil. 45 ACP is tougher. I really don’t know first hand about 10 mm. But I’ve heard it’s really tough. They make one hell of a lot of 9 mil. A G19 or G17 is an excellent choice. A CZ SP-01 is basically in the same price range and the gun most IDPA competition guys seem to go with. Great ergos and very easy to control recoil. I know all the Gun stores around here. (I’m North of Sac). I own a precision machine shop and we have a line of AR’s. Although we are all Aerospace right now. The gun shop I would recommend would be River City in Sac. It’s a little bit of a drive but you can’t beat selection or price. That SP-01 comes in two flavors, one with a de cocker (A DA Gun, yuk) and a Single Action with an external safety. I’d go with option two if you decide to go that way. Good luck and happy hunting.

  13. If you eliminate LOCAL Police then aren’t the Liberal Socialist Democrats really taking the next step in setting up the demand for a NATIONAL POLICE FORCE run by Washington DC?
    Otherwise in a LSD world they would no longer arrest Rapists, Pedophiles, Robbers, Drug dealers, Racists, Burglars, car thieves, Sex-slavers, murderers and more.

    Yeah that is last 10 mins. Then the Community will decide to police itself and toss out problems and/or start shooting them.

  14. Clueless dolt.
    I have a plan to save Cuba. Make an arrangement where we supplement Cuba with cash for sending our liberals to live with them for one year. Cuba can treat them just like Cuban’s during that time. After one year these libs can come back to the USA but only if they agree to drop all Cuban political thinking. Otherwise they go back to Cuba. Three strikes and they stay in Cuba.

    This is the only way these idiots can learn through experience.

  15. Defund the Police.
    Let em live like they want.
    After a couple of weeks of anarchy and mob rule, they’ll have a belly-full.
    No business (after the looting), no traffic, no crime deterrent, no food imports (after a couple of hijackings), let em eat fuckin cake!

    I’m sure a bunch of Brown Pampers will be up to the task.

    Remember the boys with leashed Hyenas in Somalia (or Ethiopia) a few years ago?
    They acted as the local warlord’s cops – guess they can do that in Minneapolis, St. Louis, Detroit, New York, LA, and wherever else they want – FUCK EM.

    Why are Americans worried about these maggots?
    Let em stew in their own juices.

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. Thanks, Brad for the info. and recommendations. My local gunshop in Vallejo (I’m in Benicia) is all boarded up from protest damage. ASP Armory in Vacaville got burgled last week and lost a shitload full of handguns, strange times indeed.


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