The Insidious Nature of PP’s New “IDEFY” Campaign – IOTW Report

The Insidious Nature of PP’s New “IDEFY” Campaign

In an effort to reach out to the young, Planned Parenthood wants them to write “defy” across the fingers of their knuckles “Blues Brothers” style, take a picture of  it then write a short theme on what they are defying and post it to their web page for the campaign this weekend.

They’ve also made three video of young stoopids (with a YouTube following) spouting off about their defiance,  just to show the Millennials that they can look cool and get attention from PP for being defiant.


Here’s what’s really going on.  PP is going to be all supportive of these various idiots with their “unique” identity issues then start bombarding them with the message that the defiant also support abortion and they must joint PP’s cause for the same set of freedom values.   They’re trying to walk them backwards into becoming storm troopers for baby killing.

Think I’m being paranoid here?  Look at how PP’s own organizers describe the objectives for this campaign  “#IDEFY is a part of a five-year initiative meant to identify, mobilize, and train supporters to fight the long battles ahead.”

h/t Steven Crowder, who points out the campaign but didn’t wonder at the motivation behind it.

8 Comments on The Insidious Nature of PP’s New “IDEFY” Campaign

  1. how about …
    … I defy Planned Parenthood to not profit from selling body parts from babies that they have murdered
    … I defy Planned Parenthood to not take taxpayer money for the murder of the unborn (I also defy the US gubmint to pull funding Planned Parenthood)
    … I defy Planned Parenthood to open up clinics in muslim countries
    … I defy Planned Parenthood …. period

  2. Insidious – perfect word for the evil of Planned Parenthood and their abortuaries. After reading about the ghoulish operations uncovered during the recent Congressional investigation, the more certain I am that evil relocated from Josef Mengele’s Nazi labs to Planned Parenthood.

  3. Planned parenthood is nothing but an abortion mill for minorities. When will the minority population of the US learn this? OK to abort liberal children, as long as my taxes don’t pay for this abdominal sin!

  4. No surprises here. These people are already in their backpocket, it’s more circle-jerking. You don’t get to I-Totally-Didn’t-Just-Make-This-Up Gender/Sexual Identity Land without first making a stop through Pro Life-Ending Township (and a million other such hamlets).

  5. I DEFY PP to state clearly and unambiguously what their definition of a person is such that it does not include unborn children. If they cannot or will not do that, and since killing a person is murder, then I DEFY them to make a moral case as to why all involved and responsible should not be arrested, indicted, and tried for their crimes.

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