The Internet Never Forgets – Hypocrite Will Smith Making a Bald Joke About Band Member On Arsenio Hall Show – IOTW Report

The Internet Never Forgets – Hypocrite Will Smith Making a Bald Joke About Band Member On Arsenio Hall Show

Would it be okay if this guy’s gay lover (lol, I have no idea if he is gay) came up onstage, and slapped him around?

11 Comments on The Internet Never Forgets – Hypocrite Will Smith Making a Bald Joke About Band Member On Arsenio Hall Show

  1. The only tee vee comedy I ever watched was Everybody Loves Raymond (and that was in reruns), so except for a couple of films, I really don’t know who Will Smith is or his (or any others’) Hollywood woes. But last night as I was fishing around for something interesting to watch on YT, I landed on Matt Walsh’s “reaction” to the Oscar kerfuffle. He and, as it turned out, a number of conservative podcasters, played clips of Mr. and Mrs. Smith discussing their open marriage, including their “red table” talk. Cringey doesn’t even begin to cover it. As dated as the expression is, it was WAY too much information. It was definitely a new one for me; a married couple taking to social media to virtue signal their “greatest love” for one another in a bizarre format: betrayed husband play-acting emotional support animal for his cougar, marriage-betraying wife.

    You could plainly see the deep disappointment, sorrow, and anger all over his face as well as his body language. Will Smith looked like a whipped dog in the face of his Hunny Bunny having a reverie of her tryst with “August” while describing how “good” she felt doing it. And she didn’t hold back! I don’t know — nor do I want to know — about how truly open their marriage is, but the exchange between them was more along the lines of a dominatrix reminding her dominion of his place in the pecking order; somewhere on the sole of her shoe. She emasculated him (again) in front of thousands of people and he not only sat there, he spoon-fed her the justification for it. Now I really get why Fur Hat called him a “cuck”. Never seen anything like it in my life.

    And now I understand why his wife’s “look” at the Oscars made him jump up like her personal poodle and go up on stage to pee on Chris Rock’s leg. This, mere months after her husband exclaimed to everyone that he was only responsible for his own happiness and she was only responsible for hers, and that he wasn’t in any way whatsoever responsible for making her happy. Except when she gives him “the look” and sends him on a mission to take care of whoever is making her feel bad.

    As Jim Carrey said in his own reaction to all this, about Hollywood, “We’re not the cool club anymore.”

    No, Jim Carrey, you’re certainly not. Something long overdue finally happened; one of your A-Listers finally revealed, leaving no uncertainty, that Hollywood is a sewer populated by people with twisted moral values.

  2. I’ve been caught up in this ridiculous slap thing and then I said to myself “Self, you don’t give 2 squirts about the black community. So why care about this?” And I’m right. Screw ’em. Just like Shitcago. If they want to shoot each other, they can also slap each other.

  3. “Except when she gives him “the look” and sends him on a mission to take care of whoever is making her feel bad.”

    Translated look reads: “If you don’t take care of this, no more BJ’s for you.”


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