The Interview With the Inmate That Killed His Child Molester Cellmate is Remarkably Frank – IOTW Report

The Interview With the Inmate That Killed His Child Molester Cellmate is Remarkably Frank

You can almost like this guy. He’s personable, frank, seems to have a sense of humor.. oh, and he also murdered his girlfriend and has been in and out of jail most of his life for burglary, larceny…

This is the retired cop he killed–> He had a neighbor girl over his house, 9 years-old. The mother, looking for her kid, walked into the bedroom and discovered him performing the “Woody Allen” on her. He got, essentially, life in prison.


This is the risk when you’re housed with a lifer with no possibility for parole and no chance of the death penalty. They are on a free roll.

24 Comments on The Interview With the Inmate That Killed His Child Molester Cellmate is Remarkably Frank

  1. 2:10 and 3:07

    There IS a side a life which most do not understand nor want to.

    A murderer, one ‘disgusted’ enough to kill again?

    We have all heard ‘they have their own rules’.

  2. I don’t condone murder, but then, the child molester won’t get out to harm more children when he’s “rehabilitated.”

    p.s. Child molesters generally like to brag and go into detail about their conquests. Usually it is difficult for even psych pros to deal with molesters.

  3. and hillary filets a child’s face off straps on a dildoe on
    and rapes the child while howling like a hyena.

    the nyc cops who viewed the video promptly cried and vomited.

    the cunt continues to live the high life while touring the globe on private jets.

    still waiting for the asteroid.

  4. Often, the most horrendous criminals seem perfectly reasonable and rational when interviewed in prison. They’re under control there; so they tend to relax more. Put this guy on the street, and he’ll start losing it quickly.

  5. This lowlife sleazy thieving scumbag is touting a moral code? I just don’t buy that this animal possesses that kind of empathy for anyone and was so offended by the other inmates actions that he killed him. This was about jailhouse cred and nothing more.


  6. KARL: I picked up a kaiser blade that was a layin’ there by the screen door, some folks calls it a sling blade, I call it a kaiser blade. it’s just a long handle like a axe handle with a long blade on it that’s shaped kind of like a banana. Sharp on one edge and dull on the other. It’s what the highway boys use to cut down weeds and whatnot.

    That’s what I thought of

  7. You never really know about some things until you have to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, but if this ever happened to one of my daughters I’m pretty sure I know what I would be thinking and who I’d be thanking.

  8. “This is the retired cop he killed”
    Who here thinks this was the first?
    How many did he do and get away with it under cover of authority?
    Some people just need killing.

  9. Not a fan.
    I hate child molesters as much as the next guy, but I f you were housed with this guy as your cell mate he could kill you because he wanted your package of Top Ramen you bought at the commissary for a quarter, and essentially nothing happens to him.
    He needs the rest of his life in administrative segregation.
    Actually, he needs to be quietly lead from his cell and be executed so he can’t kill again.


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