The Intimidation Game – IOTW Report

The Intimidation Game

Kimberley Strassel of the WSJ has a new book out that documents attempts by Liberals in positions of power to harass, intimidate and silence those they disagree with since Citizen’s United.

She appeared yesterday on NPR’s “On Point” and presented her argument and examples to an unsympathetic and skeptical host, guest and callers.  It’s a fascinating example of the opponents using re-direction, rationalizing and projection in an attempt to counter her narrative.


When she makes an unassailable point, the host and guest agree with her then try to redirect or rationalize to try to diminish the importance of documenting the left’s attempts to use the power of prosecutors, the IRS, or political office to force the voices they don’t like out of the political sphere.

Amazon Link to Strassel’s Book Here

4 Comments on The Intimidation Game

  1. The actions of Democrats over the last two days in the House of Representatives (sit-in for gun control votes) is keenly indicative of Strassel’s argument.

    Speaker Ryan’s failure to maintain order in the House is keenly indicative of his complicity.

  2. Even more telling was the disgusting edict by Lorretta Lynch. The ‘editing’ of the phone calls made by the scourge of Orlsndo, was as bad as the original crime. America is the victim of rewritten records. Blatant lies from a presidential candidate are right in tune with the side stepping of liberals as they hijack America. Obama is on full steam ahead to burn down America.

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