The “Investigation” – IOTW Report

The “Investigation”


The left is stuck on “Obstruction of Justice” as their path to unseat Trump. It all hinges on Trump’s purported remark to Comey, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

The right has countered that Comey didn’t pursue charges at the time.

The left counter jabs, saying that Comey was just giving Trump enough rope to hang himself.

The question now becomes, “given the rope, did Trump hang himself?”

The answer is obviously, “no.”

Comey said Trump never echoed those closed door sentiments in any way. No one on the Trump team echoed any similar requests.

There was no obstruction.

What we have here is political theater. BAD political theater. I want my money back.

24 Comments on The “Investigation”

  1. Chuck Schumer told President Trump not to mess with the intelligence agencies as they have a hundred ways to Sunday to get you! Exactly right, Comey was using that salacious report that he commissioned and used tax dollars to pay for as a means to put the President in his place. He wanted to present the report one on one with the President and used the occasion to tell the President that he needed to play ball with the deep state or else! Comey, on behalf of the intelligence agencies, was coercing the President to align with their thinking or they would make his life miserable (as they are now proving they can do)!

  2. “Lay off Flynn.” Any president has the power exonerate any ones prosecution and fire the head of the FBI. Problem now is the MSM is trying to destroy Trump.

  3. Officer Comey’s Law Enforcement Guide Lines in Action:

    Democrat: “I’m sorry officer. I don’t know how those fifty car radios got in my back seat. It’s a mystery to me.”

    Officer Comey: “Looks pretty suspicious, but you can go.”

    Republican: “I hope you don’t give me a traffic ticket because I wasn’t speeding.”

    Officer Comey: “Get outta the car!!!… You’re under arrest for obstruction of justice!!!”

  4. That kid is damn lucky that refrigerator door didn’t end his day right there. Next time he will probably turn the refrigerator just a little bit instead of having it square toward him. I guarantee he tries again.

  5. joe6pak
    Yea, you’d think the hinges would cause it to fade to what ever side they were attached too. This gives me some ideas about a tanerite stuffed goat in the middle of Dearborn Michigan.

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