The Joy(less) Democrats – IOTW Report

The Joy(less) Democrats


Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), former President Donald Trump’s running mate, told Breitbart News exclusively that despite Democrats’ message of “joy” around their new candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris, the truth is their message is actually “dark and ominous.” Democrats, of course, used the word “joy” dozens of times at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) as they keep pushing the concept as a theme for Harris’s nascent campaign. More

20 Comments on The Joy(less) Democrats

  1. “The words of this wizard stand on their heads. In the language of Orthanc help means ruin, and saving means slaying, that is plain.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Two Towers”



    -George Orwell, “1984”

    “Hatred Is Joy”
    -The Democrats, Their Entire Existence

  2. A hypocritical hallmark of Communism – joyless “joy”. The word joy becomes a weaponized phrase meaning comply or suffer the consequence…horrible consequences.

  3. …this may also be yet another Denocrat campaign to co-opt something good into something evil.

    Remember when “Gay” meant “Happy”?

    Remember when rainbows symbolized God’s promise?

    What do they mean NOW?

    …”Joy” is important in the Bible, joy in the Lord and His creation, joy in fellowship, joy in worship.

    So of COURSE they want to take THAT word for their own too, then twist it and corrupt it as that is all the master in hell they serve knows how to do.

    Dont let them take your joy.

    Take joy in the Lord instead.

  4. “Demonrat” party?
    No primaries?
    No votes?
    A stooge, put-up convention?

    Since it’s statistically impossible (highly improbable) that so many people could be so stupid the only available conclusion is that those who identify as Demonrat are fully integrated into tyranny.

    “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
    Well, we couldn’t.
    We let it all slip away (over decades) through laziness, ennui, and ignorance.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The essence of socialism is a slothful envy, and communism just puts a few spangles on the socialist pig. Our leftists are fully on board with the slothful envy, they don’t even have the energy to put the commie spangles on it. Joy is an energetic condition, the American left does not have natural energy beyond that generated by hate. Hate will produce movement, cold and bitter movement, but not the kind of energy joy both requires and produces.

    Slothful envy is the essence of the American left, or perhaps envious sloth.


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