The Khan Game – Keeping Troubling Clinton Information From the Public – IOTW Report

The Khan Game – Keeping Troubling Clinton Information From the Public

While the media obsesses over the public exchange between Donald Trump and Khizr Khan, theĀ father of a slain U.S. officer, Hillary Clinton gets to enjoy some time out of the glare. Which is great for her given the two stories trying to break to the surface of the media’s willful inattention.

The first, a Government Accountability Institute Report that accuses Secretary of State Clinton overseeing a major technology transfer to Russia that has helped them modernize their armed forces. The second is the awarding of four Pinocchios by the Washington Post to Hillary Clinton for her latest declaration of how honestly she handled the FBI investigation into her private server and e-mails (even they couldn’t take anymore of her lying).

And isn’t that the whole point of running with the Khan game? To keep Hillary’s negatives out of the news cycle and to advance the narrative that Donald Trump is a big bad meanie.

Latest on Khan exchange Here

Hillary’s Russian reset Here

Hillary’s Pinocchios Here

5 Comments on The Khan Game – Keeping Troubling Clinton Information From the Public

  1. I hate to say this, but Trump walked right into that one. They baited him, and he took it. Now he’s the SOB who broke the grieving parents’ hearts, and that was the Dim’s plan all along. From now on, I think Trump should do more smiling and waving and let Pence do the infighting and the “wet work”. He’s a professional politician, and they’re pretty good at that.

    Just my opinion, for what it’s worth.

  2. Hillary’s moderate/conservative democrat base is eroding through her corruption, criminal activity, anti-American rhetoric, incompetence as Sec. of State and complete lack of trust).

    Having a supporter of the muslim brotherhood speak at the DNC reinforces her pandering to splinter groups (BLM, muslims, anarchists, marxists, socialists, communists).

    What you see and hear is what you’ll get as the Hillary’s campaign directs the media and the narrative. Hillary is the queen of corruption, deceit and deception. With the media following her direction it will get more desperate and brutal as November nears.

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