The Kickoff To Obama’s Foundation Was… Weird – IOTW Report

The Kickoff To Obama’s Foundation Was… Weird

DC: The Obama Foundation Summit offered Democrats a chance to escape the realty of Donald Trump’s presidency [by] doing yoga and writing down their hopes for the country in sidewalk chalk.

SNIP: Do you hear? They had yoga and sidewalk chalk. Like children, they were stretched out on the ground, coloring. Please, continue:

The summit, held in Chicago Wednesday to commemorate the launch of the Obama Foundation, attracted prominent Democratic politicians, fundraisers and celebrities, some of whom told Politico the event was “therapeutic” and represented a “sanity bubble.”

After participating in a morning yoga and meditation session to begin the day, attendees were offered the opportunity to attend break out sessions with titles such as “The Adventure of Civility” and “Who Narrates the World?.” In one such session participants were encouraged to write down what they were hopeful for on a chalk board. Answers included “we speak better and listen,” “Americans will see each other,” “my nephews can escape toxic masculinity,” according to Politico.


After the therapeutic exercises, author Anand Giridharadas regaled the crowd with an opening speech, in which he asked pressing questions such as “Is there space among the woke for the still-waking?” and spoke of the “magic” of connectivity. MORE

SNIP: The explanation of the reason behind the ‘foundation’ sounded like they are just making it up as they go. 

25 Comments on The Kickoff To Obama’s Foundation Was… Weird

  1. Toxic masculinity?!
    Is THAT what kids these days are calling bathtub gin?!


    I think, with this foundation, Obama has established himself as the 21st Century PT Barnum vis a vis “There’s a sucker born…”

  2. It’s really the 0bama vacation fund. Foundation just makes it sound benevolent – which it is, but only to the 0bamas. But hey, anyone willing to pay into it is in love with the guy, so more power to him and his PT Barnum skills.

  3. I bought 3 weapons a year while Obama was in office. Along with a 1000 rounds of ammunition.
    Every two months. And went to the range every 10 days. Yoga didn’t work.
    That’s how I escaped the reality of obama.

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