The Kiss Heard Round the Muslim World – IOTW Report

The Kiss Heard Round the Muslim World


In a country where sex toys are displayed in shop windows and television commercials often feature nudity, a picture of a clothed, heterosexual couple kissing may not seem like the stuff of scandal.

But precisely such an image — part of a poster campaign celebrating diversity in the Netherlands — has triggered acrimonious debate, charges of racism, acts of vandalism and even threats by those who found it offensive.

The reason: The women pictured in a series of posters were wearing Muslim headscarves – including one woman who was shown kissing a man wearing a kippah.

To some of the detractors, the poster campaign was a provocation designed to upset the sensibilities of Dutch Muslims and other non-white minorities. But to campaign supporters — including some prominent members of the Dutch Jewish community — it was an important statement about the need to counter radicalism and coercion in the Netherlands’ growing Muslim minority.


ht/ Art of the Zeal

14 Comments on The Kiss Heard Round the Muslim World

  1. I can imagine the libs and muslim apologists were patting themselves on the back for what they think is a breakthrough ad campaign. They are only fooling themselves. Idiots.

  2. Meh!
    Guess the Nederlanderers (Hollanders? Hollandaise?) ain’t got much going on.
    I may just be a yutz, but if I’da passed that 1000 times, I never would have noticed it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. all of these public propaganda add campaigns – second hand smoke, equality – you name it – are just insulting across the board. This is nothing out of the norm. Where do these busy bodies get the money and the motive to do it?

  4. I was a bit annoyed that the article’s author couldn’t be bothered to offer a translation of the words on the poster. It’s easy enough, and it’s one thing Google is good for. The poster says:

    In the Netherlands you choose your partner yourself.
    Do you feel free to choose?

    At least it isn’t the moronic doggerel rhymes we see in PSAs and on signs and posters. Over here, it would be something like:

    Hey, Muslim and Jew!
    It’s OK to screw!

  5. @joe6pac – You got it. It’s simply more virtue signalling.

    They can’t possibly think (do they think at all?) that obsessively committed religious people seeing that poster will then walk away from everything they’ve been taught their whole lives.

  6. More proof the “Ancient Alien” guys got it right. Fifty thousand years ago, thanks to alien gene splicing modern humans suddenly became quiet intelligent. Ever since then natural evolutionary forces have been dragging us back down to, “where we belong”.

    So we go out of our way to protect and promote the lowest IQ populations and “homogenize” by in-breeding with them. “Idiocracy” isn’t coming. . . it’s here.

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